template <class T>
class Set
Set(int length = 0); //Default constructor
~Set(); //Defualt Destructor
int size(); //Return how many elements are in set
bool contains(T test); //Searches set for T
bool add(T adding); //Adds T to set, repeats are denied
bool remove(T removing); //Attempts to remove T
T** elements(); //Returns a pointer to the set
T** copy(); //Creates a copy of the set, and returns a pointer to it
T &operator[](int sub); //Overload subscript
T** set; //Pointer to first of set
int setSize; //Int holding amount of Elements available
int holding; //Elements used
void subError(); //Handles Subscript out of range
void adder(); //returns a copy with +1 size
template <class T>
Set<T>::Set(int length) //Default constructor
for(int i = 0; i < length; i++)
set[i] = new T;
setSize = length;
holding = 0;
template <class T>
T** Set<T>::copy() //Creates a copy of the set, and returns a pointer to it
T** setCopy;
for(int i = 0; i < setSize; i++)
setCopy[i] = new T;
*setCopy[i] = *set[i];
return setCopy;
我遇到的错误是错误错误 C4700: 使用未初始化的局部变量 'setCopy' 和 C4700: 使用了未初始化的局部变量 'temp' 我已经尝试了各种取消引用的方法等,但我无处可去。