select city, count(cid) as c_count from clinic group by city
select patient.pid, patient.pname, clinic.city,
count(distinct clinic.cid) as p_c_count
from patient
join patient_doctor
on patient.pid = patient_doctor.pid
join doctor
on patient_doctor.did = doctor.did
join clinic
on doctor.cid = clinic.cid
where patient_doctor.disease not in ('Flu')
group by patient.pid, patient.pname, clinic.city
。然后,我们只需要关于不包括流感诊断的患者的信息。之后,我们按患者信息和诊所城市分组,这样我们就可以统计每个城市患者就诊的诊所数量。请记住,患者 A 可以去第一个城市的诊所 1 接受流感治疗,即使他在不同城市的不同诊所接受流感治疗,您提出问题的方式也允许该人展示第一个城市/诊所的结果....这有什么意义吗?
select p_info.pid, c_ct_info.city
from (select city, count(cid) as c_count from clinic group by city) as c_ct_info
join (
select patient.pid, patient.pname, clinic.city,
count(distinct clinic.cid) as p_c_count
from patient
join patient_doctor
on patient.pid = patient_doctor.pid
join doctor
on patient_doctor.did = doctor.did
join clinic
on doctor.cid = clinic.cid
where patient_doctor.disease not in ('Flu')
group by patient.pid, patient.pname, clinic.city ) as p_info
on c_ct_info.city = p_info.city
where c_count = p_c_count;
以防万一 sqlfiddle 有一天死了……这是我使用的表和数据:
Create table Clinic (
CID int not null primary key,
Cname varchar(100),
Mname varchar(100),
Type tinyint,
City varchar(100)
insert into Clinic values (1,'Clinic 1','Mname 1', 1, 'City 1');
insert into Clinic values (2,'Clinic 2','Mname 2', 1, 'City 1');
insert into Clinic values (3,'Clinic 3','Mname 3', 1, 'City 2');
Create table Doctor (
DID int not null primary key,
Dname varchar(100),
Specialty varchar(100),
CID int,
foreign key (CID) references Clinic (CID)
insert into Doctor values (1, 'House', 'Internal Medicine', 1);
insert into Doctor values (2, 'Dr Who', 'General Practice', 1);
insert into Doctor values (3, 'Dr Dave', 'General Practice', 1);
insert into Doctor values (4, 'Dr Four', 'General Practice', 2);
insert into Doctor values (5, 'Dr Five', 'General Practice', 3);
insert into Doctor values (6, 'Dr Six', 'General Practice', 3);
create Table Patient (
PID int not null primary key,
PName varchar(100)
insert into Patient values (1, 'P. One');
insert into Patient values (2, 'P. Two');
insert into Patient values (3, 'P. Three');
insert into Patient values (4, 'P. Four');
insert into Patient values (5, 'P. Five');
Create table Patient_Doctor (
PDID int not null auto_increment primary key,
PID int not null,
DID int,
Disease varchar(100),
Severity tinyint,
foreign key (PID) references Patient (PID),
foreign key (DID) references Doctor (DID)
insert into Patient_Doctor values (null, 1, 1, 'Flu', 1);
insert into Patient_Doctor values (null, 1, 4, 'Flu', 1);
insert into Patient_Doctor values (null, 1, 5, 'Flu', 1);
-- shouldn't be in our results because they were diagnosed with the flu in each city
insert into Patient_Doctor values (null, 2, 2, 'Other', 1);
insert into Patient_Doctor values (null, 2, 4, 'Other', 1);
insert into Patient_Doctor values (null, 2, 5, 'Other', 1);
-- should be in our results because they attended every clinic in every city and
-- did not get diagnosed with the flu at any location
insert into Patient_Doctor values (null, 3, 1, 'Other', 1);
insert into Patient_Doctor values (null, 3, 4, 'Other', 1);
insert into Patient_Doctor values (null, 3, 6, 'Flu', 1);
-- should show up in our results for City 1 because they attended all the clinics in that
-- city and were not diagnosed with the flu. this person should NOT show up in our results
-- for city 2 because they were diagnosed with the flu at a clinic there.
insert into Patient_Doctor values (null, 4, 3, 'Other', 1);
-- should NOT show up in any results. although they weren't diagnosed with the flu, they
-- did not attend each clinic in that city.
insert into Patient_Doctor values (null, 5, 2, 'Flu', 1);
-- should NOT show up in results... meets none of the criteria
insert into Patient values (6, 'P. Six');
insert into Patient_Doctor values (null, 6, 5, 'Other', 1);
我们应该期望在我们的结果中看到那个人,因为 2 号城市只有一家诊所,他们在那里没有被诊断出患有流感……
- 我强烈建议您创建另一个表,