这是一种使用 C 和结构来提供某种程度的面向对象以及一组辅助函数的方法。
这里的想法是使用 Kerrick 对连续数组的建议。
这个想法是拥有一个连续的内存区域,以使内存管理更容易。并使用函数在 x、y 和 z 方向上使用基于零的偏移量访问特定元素。由于我不确定元素的大小/类型,所以我也将其设为变量。
#include <malloc.h>
typedef struct _Array3d {
int elSize; // size of each element of the array in bytes
int side; // length of each side of the 3d cube in elements
char * (*Access) (struct _Array3d *pObj, int x, int y, int z);
char buffer[1];
} Array3d;
static char * Array3d_Access (Array3d *pObj, int x, int y, int z)
char *pBuf = NULL;
if (pObj && x < pObj->side && y < pObj->side && z < pObj->side) {
pBuf = &(pObj->buffer[x * pObj->side * pObj->elSize * pObj->side * pObj->elSize + y * pObj->side * pObj->elSize + z * pObj->elSize]);
return pBuf;
// Create an Array3d cube by specifying the length of each side along with the size of each element.
Array3d *Array3d_Factory (int side, int elSize)
Array3d *pBuffer = malloc (sizeof(Array3d) + side * elSize * side * elSize * side * elSize);
if (pBuffer) {
pBuffer->elSize = elSize;
pBuffer->side = side;
pBuffer->Access = Array3d_Access;
return pBuffer;
// Create an Array3d cube that is the same size as an existing Array3d cube.
Array3d *Array3d_FactoryObj (Array3d *pObj)
Array3d *pBuffer = NULL;
if (pObj) {
int iBufferSize = pObj->side * pObj->elSize * pObj->side * pObj->elSize * pObj->side * pObj->elSize;
pBuffer = malloc (sizeof(Array3d) + iBufferSize);
if (pBuffer) {
pBuffer->elSize = pObj->elSize;
pBuffer->side = pObj->side;
pBuffer->Access = pObj->Access;
return pBuffer;
// Duplicate or clone an existing Array3d cube into new one.
// Returns NULL if cloning did not happen.
Array3d *Array3d_Dup (Array3d *pObjDest, Array3d *pObjSrc)
if (pObjSrc && pObjDest && pObjSrc->elSize == pObjDest->elSize && pObjSrc->side == pObjDest->side) {
int iBufferSize = pObjSrc->side * pObjSrc->elSize * pObjSrc->side * pObjSrc->elSize * pObjSrc->side * pObjSrc->elSize;
memcpy (pObjDest->buffer, pObjSrc->buffer, iBufferSize);
} else {
pObjDest = NULL;
return pObjDest;
int main(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
Array3d *pObj = Array3d_Factory (10, 20 * sizeof(char));
char *pChar = pObj->Access (pObj, 1, 2, 3);
return 0;