为了让我在 Heroku 上获得 PIL JPEG 支持,我必须使用在这里找到的 PIL 的分叉/编辑版本 hg+ https://bitbucket.org/etienned/pil-2009-raclette/#egg=PIL
它告诉我JPEG support available
Heroku 但在我本地的 Ubuntu 12.04 上我得到*** JPEG support not available
我只是在我的 ubuntu 机器上缺少一些特定的包吗?这是使用 pip 和 requirements.txt 安装的转储
-----> Installing dependencies using Pip (1.3.1)
Obtaining PIL from hg+https://bitbucket.org/etienned/pil-2009-raclette/#egg=PIL (from -r requirements.txt (line 48))
Updating ./.heroku/src/pil clone
warning: bitbucket.org certificate with fingerprint 24:9c:45:8b:9c:aa:ba:55:4e:01:6d:58:ff:e4:28:7d:2a:14:ae:3b not verified (check hostfingerprints or web.cacerts config setting)
Running setup.py egg_info for package PIL
Installing collected packages: PIL
Running setup.py develop for PIL
version 1.2a0
platform Python 2.7.4 (default, Apr 6 2013, 22:14:13)
[GCC 4.4.3] on linux2
*** TKINTER support not available
--- JPEG support available
*** WEBP support not available
--- ZLIB (PNG/ZIP) support available
--- FREETYPE2 support available
--- LITTLECMS support available
To add a missing option, make sure you have the required
library, and set the corresponding ROOT variable in the
setup.py script.
To check the build, run the selftest.py script.
Creating /app/.heroku/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/PIL.egg-link (link to .)
PIL 1.2a0 is already the active version in easy-install.pth
Installing pilfile.py script to /app/.heroku/python/bin
Installing pilfont.py script to /app/.heroku/python/bin
Installing pilconvert.py script to /app/.heroku/python/bin
Installing pilprint.py script to /app/.heroku/python/bin
Installing pildriver.py script to /app/.heroku/python/bin
Installed /app/.heroku/src/pil
Successfully installed PIL
(venv)robbie@ubuntu:~/git/myproject$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Obtaining PIL from hg+https://bitbucket.org/etienned/pil-2009-raclette/#egg=PIL (from -r requirements.txt (line 48))
Updating ./venv/src/pil clone
warning: bitbucket.org certificate with fingerprint 24:9c:45:8b:9c:aa:ba:55:4e:01:6d:58:ff:e4:28:7d:2a:14:ae:3b not verified (check hostfingerprints or web.cacerts config setting)
Running setup.py egg_info for package PIL
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): static in ./venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from dj-static==0.0.5->-r requirements.txt (line 12))
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): tablib in ./venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from django-import-export==0.1.4->-r requirements.txt (line 20))
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): diff-match-patch in ./venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from django-import-export==0.1.4->-r requirements.txt (line 20))
Installing collected packages: PIL
Running setup.py develop for PIL
version 1.2a0
platform Python 2.7.3 (default, Apr 10 2013, 06:20:15)
[GCC 4.6.3] on linux2
*** TKINTER support not available
*** JPEG support not available
*** WEBP support not available
*** ZLIB (PNG/ZIP) support not available
*** FREETYPE2 support not available
*** LITTLECMS support not available
To add a missing option, make sure you have the required
library, and set the corresponding ROOT variable in the
setup.py script.
To check the build, run the selftest.py script.
Creating /home/robbie/git/myproject/venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/PIL.egg-link (link to .)
Adding PIL 1.2a0 to easy-install.pth file
Installing pildriver.py script to /home/robbie/git/myproject/venv/bin
Installing pilprint.py script to /home/robbie/git/myproject/venv/bin
Installing pilfile.py script to /home/robbie/git/myproject/venv/bin
Installing pilconvert.py script to /home/robbie/git/myproject/venv/bin
Installing pilfont.py script to /home/robbie/git/myproject/venv/bin
Installed /home/robbie/git/myproject/venv/src/pil
Successfully installed PIL