“调用 getline() 没有匹配的函数”
但是我以前用过它,它工作正常吗?S 我不确定发生了什么事。如果可以的话,我正在使用 Mavericks OSX,并使用 Xcode 来构建这个项目。是上学的 我知道 inputFile 工作正常,因为我已经注释了 getline() 和打印到控制台的“Open”。
// main.cpp
// Project 4
// Created by Eric Diviney on 10/27/13.
// Copyright (c) 2013 Eric Diviney. All rights reserved.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()
| Documentation
| The headings[] array will contain all strings for the customer's receipt.
| the 2nd level of headings[][] will contain all of the info (name, address etc.) while
| the first level of headings[] will contain the number of customers. The order of the second level is heading1, heading2, customername,
| address, phone, footer
| The charges[] array will contain all double/floats required to compute the charges for the customer.
| The third level of charges[][][] will contain the actual charges/prices while the first level
| will hold n amount of customers. The second level of that array (charges[][]) will hold the first, second and third month.
| The order of the last array is electricity, water, and gas
| The output[] array is 3 customers in the first level (output[]) and the correspnding strings for each
| segment of their receipt output[][]. The order in the second level of this array is heading1, heading2, customerName, Customer address,
| customer Phone, Customer ID, electricity, water, gas, subtotal, discountRate, taxRate, tax for order, discount for order, order total,
| footer
// variable declarations
string headings[3][7];
double charges[3][3][3];
string output[3][16];
ifstream inputFile;
cout << "Open" << endl;
getline(inputFile, headings[0][0], "*");
//cout << headings[0][0];
return 0;