To start off lets generate some arbitrary data, thats obeys a few required principles:
nOcc = 30
nVir = 120
Ew = np.random.rand(nOcc+nVir)
Ia = np.random.rand(nOcc)
Ib = np.random.rand(nVir)
I = np.einsum('a,b,c,d->abcd',Ia,Ib,Ia,Ib)
Lets wrap your base code as an example:
def oldcalc_D(Iiajb,nOcc,nVir,Ew):
D = np.zeros((nOcc,nOcc,nVir,nVir))
for i in range(nOcc):
for j in range(i+1):
tmp = Ew[i] + Ew[j]
for a in range(nVir):
tmp2 = tmp - Ew[a+nOcc]
for b in range(a+1):
tmp3 = 1.0/(tmp2 - Ew[b+nOcc])
D[i,j,a,b] = Iiajb[i,a,j,b]*tmp3
D[i,j,b,a] = Iiajb[i,b,j,a]*tmp3
D[j,i,a,b] = D[i,j,b,a]
D[j,i,b,a] = D[i,j,a,b]
return D
Taking advantage of integral symmetry is typically a good tactic; however, in numpy alone it is not worth the cost so we are going to ignore this and simply vectorize your code:
def newcalc_D(I,nOcc,nVir,Ew):
O = Ew[:nOcc]
V = Ew[nOcc:]
D = O[:,None,None,None] - V[:,None,None] + O[:,None] - V
return (I/D).swapaxes(1,2)
Some timings:
%timeit newcalc_D(I,nOcc,nVir,Ew)
1 loops, best of 3: 142 ms per loop
%timeit oldcalc_D(I,nOcc,nVir,Ew)
1 loops, best of 3: 15 s per loop
So only about ~100x faster, as I said this is a fairly simple pass to give you an idea what to do. This can be done much better, but should be a trivial part of the calculation as the integral transformation is (O)N^5 vs this at (O)N^4. For these operations I use numba's autojit feature:
from numba import autojit
numba_D = autojit(oldcalc_D)
%timeit numba_D(I,nOcc,nVir,Ew)
10 loops, best of 3: 55.1 ms per loop