I came across what looks like a breaking change in CComVariant but I can't find any mention of this on the interwebs.

Up to visual studio 2008 passing a NULL SAFEARRAY pointer to CComVariant would result in an empty variant (VT_EMPTY), the constructor looked like this:

CComVariant(__in_opt const SAFEARRAY *pSrc)
    if (pSrc != NULL)
    { // ...

Starting with visual studio 2010 passing a nullptr SAFEARRAY to CComVariant throws an exception by default. If _ATL_NO_VARIANT_THROW is defined it leaves the CComVariant in error state (VT_ERROR). The constructor starts like this:

CComVariant(_In_ const SAFEARRAY *pSrc) ATLVARIANT_THROW()
    ATLASSERT(pSrc != NULL);

Is there any documentation of the parameter changing from in-opt to in? Why did Microsoft decide to make such a breaking change? It's very untypical of them to do so.


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