我有一个基于模板 T 加载的数据库。但是,现在我想根据字符串加入其他表或传入“T2”模板。
如何创建这样的函数来生成 IQueryable?
public void createJoinedTable<T, T2>(T2 join_table, string join_on_this_property, string order, string order_by)
where T : class
where T2 : class
var table = GetGenericTable<T>(); // I have the IQueryable<T> of the main table.
// now join the joined table.
var id = 1;
table = table // your starting point - table in the "from" statement
.Join(join_table, // the source table of the inner join
firsttable => post.myid, // Select the primary key (the first part of the "on" clause in an sql "join" statement)
secondtable => meta.othertableid, // Select the foreign key (the second part of the "on" clause)
(firsttable, secondtable) => new { Unknown = firsttable , Unknown2 = secondtable}) // selection
.Where(x => x.Unknown.ID == id); // where statement
table = table.CustomOrderByDescending(order_by, direction); // custom ordering by string
m_queryable = table; // record results.
问题是,我不能做 .Join() 因为它不受 Entity 类的约束。它被限制为一个通用的“类”。
where T : class 而不是 where T: MyEntityTable
奖励挑战:基于“列出表,列出 join_ON_properties”加入无限数量的表——但这可能非常复杂。