am trying to make an image "visible= true" after a submit button is clicked. it's an animated gif replacing the progress bar.I want it to be visible when the user first clicks. I know because of the postback it's not working. I tried using some javascript onclientclick() . I tried using the updatepanel and updateprogress still no luck.any advice on how this is done.


1 回答 1


如果您不希望页面回发,则理想情况下需要使用 JavaScript 执行此操作。

为此,您需要确保元素在页面上但被隐藏,因此不要使用该visible="false"属性,而是使用 cssdisplay: none;指令。

然后用 javascript 显示它,使用您选择的库选择它并显示它。例如,使用 jquery -$('selector').show()

于 2013-10-30T16:56:05.087 回答