我发现将 int 和字符串值从一个传递到下一个的最简单方法是:
private void gameStart_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string machineName = System.Environment.MachineName;
int numberOfPlayers = 10;
multiplayerGame y = new multiplayerGame(numberOfPlayers, machineName);// multiplayerGame is the next form, and y is just a very simple variable the new form plus variables that are being passed is assigned to
this.Hide();();// hides this (current) form
y.ShowDialog();//here is where the variable y is used with .ShowDialog to make your program open the new form
public partial class multiplayerGame : Form
private int numPlayers;// This is the variable that will be used on this form for the int variable being passed
private string myPcName; ;// This is the variable that will be used on this form for the string variable being passed
在接下来的部分中,您的程序将初始化您需要的所有内容,以允许 form1 中的变量传递到新表单中,并将其分配给为新表单创建的变量。在我的示例中,这是多人游戏。
public multiplayerGame(int numberOfPlayers, string machineName)// int so the new form knows your passing an int, then the name of your variable same goes for the string variable
this.myPcName = machineName;// here you assign the private string created above for this form to equal the string variable being passed into this from form the previous form
this.numPlayers = numberOfPlayers; // here you assign the private int created above for this form to equal the int variable being passed into this from form the previous form