I made a Math Quiz program by following this tutorial.

I wanted to add a debug menu to change different things such as stop the timer of Form1 by using a button on the debugForm. I got the button and the form set up but I am not sure how to import integers such as:

int TimeLeft

into debugForm for use in Form1.

Here is my code that I got so far.

I'm not sure where to start so I need help and if you need me to clarify something then just ask. Thanks!

Edit :

Sorry for not being really clear.
My question is : How do I take integers from one form and put them in another and have them being recognized?


4 回答 4



private int m_timeLeft;
public int TimeLeft
        return m_timeLeft;
        m_timeLeft = value;
        // some other actions if necessary


private void makeMenu(object sender, EventArgs e)
    debugForm form = new debugForm();
    form.TimeLeft = this.TimeLeft;
于 2013-10-30T16:30:02.353 回答





public class FormaA :Form 
      public int myFirstInteger = 100; //the public keyword in front of it does all the job 
      public int mySecondInteger = 50; //second integer declaration


 public class FormB : Form {    

    //this is the FormB constructor
    //if you don't declare one C# will declare one for you
    public FormB()
        //you have access to the members in the CONSTRUCTOR
        int myFormAInteger = formA.myFirstInteger; //Whoaallllaaaa ! magic ! you have acces to the member
        int myFormASecondInteger = formA.mySecondInteger ; //the second integer




考虑阅读一本书(DeitelBeginning C# 是一本非常棒的书,其中包含一些很好的示例,WroxBeginning Visual C# 2010 /2012 也是一本非常好的读物)在这里发布你的问题很有用,但在转向之前尝试自己解决问题帮助。

于 2013-10-30T16:31:53.653 回答

如果修改 debugform 的构造函数,则可以在声明新表单时传递所需的任何值:

Form 2 Code
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace Math_Quiz
    public partial class debugForm : Form
        public debugForm(int value1, string value2)
            //set the values to local variables.

        private void timeButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


private void makeMenu(object sender, EventArgs e)
    debugForm form = new debugForm(intvalue, stringvalue);
于 2013-10-30T18:06:33.593 回答

我发现将 int 和字符串值从一个传递到下一个的最简单方法是:

 private void gameStart_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string machineName = System.Environment.MachineName;
        int numberOfPlayers = 10;

        multiplayerGame y = new multiplayerGame(numberOfPlayers, machineName);// multiplayerGame is the next form, and y is just a very simple variable the new form plus variables that are being passed is assigned to
                this.Hide();();// hides this (current) form
                y.ShowDialog();//here is where the variable y is used with .ShowDialog to make your program open the new form


 public partial class multiplayerGame : Form
    private int numPlayers;// This is the variable that will be used on this form for the int variable being passed 
    private string myPcName; ;// This is the variable that will be used on this form for the string variable being passed   

在接下来的部分中,您的程序将初始化您需要的所有内容,以允许 form1 中的变量传递到新表单中,并将其分配给为新表单创建的变量。在我的示例中,这是多人游戏。

public multiplayerGame(int numberOfPlayers, string machineName)// int so the new form knows your passing an int, then the name of your variable same goes for the string variable
        this.myPcName = machineName;// here you assign the private string created above for this form to equal the string variable being passed into this from form the previous form
        this.numPlayers = numberOfPlayers; // here you assign the private int created above for this form to equal the int variable being passed into this from form the previous form


于 2015-06-26T03:51:11.370 回答