I have this perl script:
my %perMpPerMercHash;
foreach my $sheet () { #proper ranges specified
foreach my $row ( ) { #proper ranges specified
#required variables declared.
push(@{$perMpPerMercHash{join("-", $mercId, $mpId)}}, $mSku);
#Finally 'perMpPerMercHash' will be a hash of array`
foreach my $perMpPerMerc ( keys %perMpPerMercHash ) {
&genFile($perMpPerMerc, $perMpPerMercHash{$perMpPerMerc});
sub genFile {
my ( $outFileName, @skuArr ) = @_;
my $output = new IO::File(">$outFileName");
my $writer = new XML::Writer( OUTPUT => $output, DATA_MODE => 1, DATA_INDENT => 2);
#mpId is generated.
&prepareMessage($writer, $mpId, @skuArr);
sub prepareMessage {
my ( $writer, $mpId, @skuArr ) = @_;
my $count = 1;
print Dumper \@skuArr; #Printing correctly, 8-10 values.
foreach my $sku ( @skuArr ) { #not iterating.
print "loop run" , $sku, "\n"; #printed only once.
Can somebody please help why this is happening. I am new to perl and could not understand this anomaly.
EDIT: output of Dumper:
$VAR1 = [