不在 OrganizationServiceProxy 对象上调用 .Dispose() 的后果是什么?
我对 OrganizationServiceContext 有同样的问题,直到今天阅读本文才处理。
/* Synchronizes with CRM * */
public class CRMSync
[ThreadStatic] // ThreadStatic ensures that each thread gets a copy of these fields
private static OrganizationServiceProxy service;
private static Context linq;
/* Tries to connect to CRM and return false if failure - credentials arguments */
private bool Connect(string username = @"username", string password = "password", string uri = @"orgUrl/XRMServices/2011/Organization.svc")
var cred = new ClientCredentials();
cred.UserName.UserName = username;
cred.UserName.Password = password;
service = new OrganizationServiceProxy(new Uri(uri), null, cred, null);
service.EnableProxyTypes(); // this has to happen to allow LINQ early bound queries
linq = new Context(service);
var who = new Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Messages.WhoAmIRequest(); // used to test the connection
var whoResponse = (Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Messages.WhoAmIResponse)service.Execute(who); // this fails if not connected
catch (Exception e)
Log(e.Message); // Write to Event Log
return false;
return true;
还有另一种方法可以在多个方法中使用相同的 OrganizationServiceContext 和 OrganizationServiceProxy 吗?
我打算使用这个析构函数来处理 OrganizationServiceProxy 和 OrganizationServiceContext:
if (service != null)
这是服务 OnStart 调用的方法
/* Called by CRMAUX.OnStart when it is time to start the service */
public async void Start()
this.ProcessCSVFiles(); // Creates a ThreadPool thread that processes some CSV files
this.ProcessCases(); // Imports cases into CRM from a db (on this thread)
var freq = 0;
var parse = int.TryParse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Frequency"], out freq);
await System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Delay((parse) ? freq * 1000 * 60 : 15000 * 60); // 15 minutes default or user defined
Start(); // Start again after the wait above
这是 Windows 服务
public partial class CRMAUX : ServiceBase
private CRMSync crmSync;
public CRMAUX()
protected override void OnStart(string[] args)
ConfigurationManager.RefreshSection("userSettings"); // Get the current config file so that the cached one is not useds
if (TestConfigurationFile())
crmSync = new CRMSync();
Thread main = new Thread(crmSync.Start);
main.IsBackground = true;
else //The configuration file is bad
Stop(); // inherited form ServiceBase
protected override void OnStop()
/* Checks the configuration file for the necessary keys */
private bool TestConfigurationFile()...