使用以下 json 集合:
$scope.searchscope = [
{ id: 0, name: "Base", description: "Search only the specified base object. The value is equal to 0." },
{ id: 1, name: "OneLevel", description: "Search the child objects of the base object, but not the base object itself.The value is equal to 1" },
{ id: 2, name: "Subtree", description: "Search the base object and all child objects. The value is equal to 2" }
<select data-ng-model="mySelections[0].SearchFilterMembershipsScope" data-ng-options="i.id as i.name for i in searchscope" data-ng-required="true"></select>
我已经成功生成了一个带有 3 个选项的选择。显示当前选定项目“描述”的工具提示的最佳角度方式是什么?在用户导航下拉菜单时也可以这样做,即做出选择,诗句实际上已经做出了选择?