form time to time (which happens very often) i get this exception while i am testing my application on tomcat, i also use mvn jetty:run to deploy my jsf2 web application on tomcat 7

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space

i googled it and found quite a few responses about this exception, and few different opinions too. i am listing some of them here :

1- "This is indeed a very typical error when you want to go Java EE with a simple servletcontainer which isn't designed for that" (this sounds reasonable )

2-use Spring flow to manage your beans life cycle (i am not sure if spring flow does that)

3-be careful about your beans scope (almost all of my beans are request scope or view scope)

4-Your beans should be serializable (although all my beans are srializable i cant see the relevance here)

5- it is normal, because of all the dependencies that tomcat loads, and you should indeed alter your permgen size

so i grabbed a profiler and monitored my application. i pasted the result here. first of all when i restart jetty there is a huge memory peak(second screen shot) then after a while , when i try some image uploading (i use primefaces for that) the out of memory happens (third screen shot). i read here that i should increase the permgen size (which i failed to do it with jetty involved, any help on this will be nice too) but i am not sure if i am allowed to do it in shared tomcat or a shared server.

in conclusion i need to know if there is a problem involved or this is just the way it has to be, and what can i do to decrease memory usage of my application.

first run with jetty up time : 37sec

up time : 15min 20sec

up time : 17min 4sec


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