I have an application developed in Liferay. It has a data grid which has pagination.

When ever i open the data grid for the first time Prev is not clickable and Next is clickable. Below is the html code for the same.

    <section class="paginationArea">
    <div id="pager">
    <span id="prev" class="disablehyperlink"><< Previous Page</span>
    <span id="next" class="enablehyperlink">Next Page >></span>

Please let me know how can i check whether that text is clickable or not??


2 回答 2


您始终可以检查它的类属性(假设类更改将导致启用按钮)。您没有指定语言,所以我将向您展示 Java 中的示例。

Element prevButton = driver.getElement(By.id("prev"));
if(prevButton.getAttribute("class").equals("disablehyperlink") {
    // do something


if(prevButton.isEnabled()) {

于 2013-10-30T07:46:33.757 回答

一般来说,所有的<a> anchor Tags都是可点击的。

在您的情况下,Prev不可点击。因为 prev [previous in paginator] 是隐藏的;where else Next [分页器中的下一个]未隐藏(启用)。

使用Firebug【firefox插件】跟踪所有隐藏的锚标签 | href 链接和相应的代码。

于 2013-10-30T18:30:14.257 回答