I have the following in build.gradle:

PlatformUmbrella platformUmbrella = PlatformUmbrella.create(System.properties['module.status'])

task setClBeforePublish << platformUmbrella.beforePublish

project.tasks.publish.doLast platformUmbrella.afterPublish

and gradle.properties has module.status = snapshot``gradlew properties outputs:

module.status: snapshot

But when either System.properties['module.status'] or gradle.properties['module.status'] is retrieved, null is returned (presumably because properties haven't been processed yet). Accessing gradle.properties['module.status'] inside a gradle.taskGraph.whenReady closure also returns null. What's the right way to access the 'module.status' setting?


1 回答 1


Contents of gradle.properties will be automatically loaded into the project's "extra" properties extension, which are accessed via project.ext.

In your case, try project.ext["module.status"] instead.

于 2013-10-30T00:26:14.803 回答