import sys, pygame, random, math, array
####initializes pygame
#####deffining all my functions
def verticiePos(verticies):
for i in range(2):
screen.set_at(verticies[i], (0,0,255))
def randV(verticies):
v = random.choice(verticies)
return v
def Show(delay):
def randPoint(h,w):
yRand = random.randint(0,h-1)
#maxX = ((w - yRand) * 2)
xRand = random.randint(0, w-1)
return (xRand, yRand)
def mainFunc():
def colors(point, maxRed, maxBlue, maxGreen, bv, gv):
howRed = (math.sqrt(point[0]**2 + point[1]**2) / maxRed) * 255
howRed = int(howRed)
howGreen = ((math.sqrt((point[0] - gv[0])**2 + (point[1] - gv[1])**2)) / maxGreen) * 255
howGreen = int(howGreen)
howBlue = ((math.sqrt((point[0] - bv[0])**2 + (point[1] - bv[1])**2)) / maxBlue) * 255
howBlue = int(howBlue)
return (howRed, howGreen, howBlue)
#####global variables
xRand = 0
yRand = 0
howRed = 0
howBlue = 0
howGreen = 0
#####Let the user choose the size of the display and setting screne
w = input("What do you want the width of the dcreen to be: ")
w = int(w)
h = input("What do you want the height of the dcreen to be: ")
h = int(h)
size = [w,h]
screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size)
pygame.display.set_caption("Project 1, Spierpinski triangle")
######setting up my verticies and all the functions i made
verticies = [(1,h - 1), (int(w/2), 1), (w-1,h-1)]
gv = verticies[1]
bv = verticies[2]
lengthOne = w
lengthTwo = math.sqrt(((w/2)**2) + (h**2))
if lengthOne >= lengthTwo:
maxRed = lengthOne
maxBlue = lengthOne
maxRed = lengthTwo
maxBlue = lengthTwo
maxGreen = lengthTwo
point = [yRand,xRand]
iteration = 0
delay = 2
#######the main loop thats plots points
for i in range(10000):
v = randV(verticies)
#colors(point, maxRed, maxBlue, maxGreen, bv, gv)
point = (int((point[0] + v[0])/2), int((point[1] + v[1])/2))
howRed = (math.sqrt(point[0]**2 + point[1]**2) / maxRed) * 200
howRed = int(howRed)
howGreen = ((math.sqrt((point[0] - gv[0])**2 + (point[1] - gv[1])**2)) / maxGreen) * 200
howGreen = int(howGreen)
howBlue = ((math.sqrt((point[0] - bv[0])**2 + (point[1] - bv[1])**2)) / maxBlue) * 200
howBlue = int(howBlue)
iteration = iteration + 1
#####the loop went really fast and was hard to see it coming into shape so i added this
if iteration > 2000:
delay = 0