I am a pretty good programmer and I have been working with Linux for 10+ years, but sometimes when trying to build programs from source I hit a brick wall. The current problem occurs when trying to build vlc, it claims that

/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lvorbisdec 

This happens quite frequently. The first thing I do is try

sudo apt-get install vorbisdec

But that doesn't always [ever] work. Next I try googling it, but 99 times out of a hundred I get something like this

  • vorbisdec...did you mean vorbisenc

I had a very similar problem tyring to install libgoom2. It doesn't help that sometimes the binaries you need (ie. goom) are in a preppended and appended file name (ie. xmms-libgoom2-dev)

Could someone fill in the missing step (s) with respect to how to properly go about installing programs from source:

  1. `sudo apt-get install
  2. ???
  3. give up installing

2 回答 2


./configure 请求的大多数库都可以安装

sudo apt-get install lib[library name]-dev

例如,vorbisdec 可在libvorbis-dev包装中使用。有时您必须指定版本号,例如libxcb-composite0-dev, liblua5.2-dev,或者如果您不知道版本号libxcb-composite*-dev。如果apt-get仍然找不到所需的包,则必须从源代码编译它们,然后运行

sudo ldconfig

编辑:您还可以使用 Tab 按钮列出以 libvorbis 开头的包:

$ sudo apt-get install libvorbis[Tab]
libvorbis              libvorbisfile3         libvorbis-ocaml
libvorbis0a            libvorbisfile-ruby     libvorbis-ocaml-dev
libvorbis-dbg          libvorbisfile-ruby1.8  libvorbisspi-java
libvorbis-dev          libvorbisidec1         
libvorbisenc2          libvorbisidec-dev      


$ apt-cache search vorbis
libshout3 - MP3/Ogg Vorbis broadcast streaming library
libshout3-dev - MP3/Ogg Vorbis broadcast streaming library (development)
libtag1-dev - audio meta-data library - development files
libtag1-doc - audio meta-data library - API documentation
libtag1-vanilla - audio meta-data library - vanilla flavour
libtag1c2a - audio meta-data library
libtagc0 - audio meta-data library - C bindings
于 2014-01-12T14:02:39.870 回答


sudo apt-get install libvorbis-dev
于 2017-08-29T11:25:35.217 回答