I am a pretty good programmer and I have been working with Linux for 10+ years, but sometimes when trying to build programs from source I hit a brick wall. The current problem occurs when trying to build vlc
, it claims that
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lvorbisdec
This happens quite frequently. The first thing I do is try
sudo apt-get install vorbisdec
But that doesn't always [ever] work. Next I try googling it, but 99 times out of a hundred I get something like this
- vorbisdec...did you mean vorbisenc
I had a very similar problem tyring to install libgoom2. It doesn't help that sometimes the binaries you need (ie. goom) are in a preppended and appended file name (ie. xmms-libgoom2-dev)
Could someone fill in the missing step (s) with respect to how to properly go about installing programs from source:
- `sudo apt-get install
- ???
- give up installing