我的班级的 java 程序有问题。我必须创建一个程序,提示用户输入输出文件的路径和名称,该文件将包含我的程序将采用的方程的系数行,并使用二次公式计算解。到目前为止,我认为一切都是正确的,除了我的输出文件。假设我有一个包含 3 行系数的输入文件,我的程序将在控制台流中显示解决方案,但只会在输出文件中显示 1 行解决方案。
while (input.hasNext()) {
a = input.nextInt();
b = input.nextInt();
c = input.nextInt();
discriminant = Math.pow(b, 2) - 4 * a * c;
///There will be no solutions if discriminant<0
if (discriminant < 0){
System.out.println("There are no solutions.");
output.println("There are no solutions.");
///As with the above, if coefficent a = 0 no solutions
else if (a == 0){
System.out.println("There are no solutions.");
output.println("There are no solutions.");
else if (discriminant == 0){
solutionOne = (-b + Math.sqrt(discriminant)) / (2 * a);
if (b < 0) {
System.out.printf("%3.0fx^2 %3.0fx + %3.0f, has one solution:%5.3f%n",a,b,c,solutionOne);
output.printf("%3.0fx^2 %3.0fx + %3.0f has one solution:%5.3f%n",a,b,c,solutionOne);
System.out.printf("%3.0fx^2 %3.0fx + %3.0f has one solution:%5.3f%n",a,b,c,solutionOne);
output.printf("%3.0fx^2 %3.0fx + %3.0f has one solution:%5.3f%n",a,b,c,solutionOne);
else if(discriminant>0){
solutionOne=(-b + Math.sqrt(discriminant))/(2*a);
twoSolutions=(-b - Math.sqrt(discriminant))/(2*a);
System.out.printf("%3.0fx^2 %3.0fx + %3.0f has two solutions: %5.3f %5.3f%n",a,b,c,solutionOne,twoSolutions);
output.printf("%3.0fx^2 %3.0fx + %3.0f has two solutions:5.3f %5.3f%n",a,b,c,solutionOne,twoSolutions);
System.out.printf("%3.0fx^2 %3.0fx + %3.0f has two solutions:%5.3f %5.3f%n",a,b,c,solutionOne,twoSolutions);
output.printf("%3.0fx^2 %3.0fx + %3.0f has two solutions: %5.3f%5.3f%n",a,b,c,solutionOne,twoSolutions);