我正在尝试从列表中访问两个名称并将它们显示在下面的 dead() 函数中。它仅在终端中显示 %s 和 %s。我已经阅读了 Python 列表上的文档,但我看不出我做错了什么。
from sys import exit
name = ["Max", "Quinn", "Carrie"]
def start():
print """
There are a bunch of people beating at the door trying to get in.
You're waking up and a gun is at the table.
You are thinking about shooting the resistance or escape through out the window.
What do you do, shoot or escape?
choice = raw_input("> ")
if choice == "shoot":
dead("You manage to get two of them killed, %s and %s, but you die as well.") % (name[1], name[2])
这是我的 dead() 函数的代码:
def dead(why):
print why, "Play the game again, yes or no?"
playagain = raw_input()
if playagain == "yes":
elif playagain == "no":
print "Thank you for playing Marcus game!"
print "I didn't get that, but thank you for playing!"