我无法安装 msnodesql。
npm install node-sqlserver
...这警告它已被 msnodesql 取代。
我成功安装了 Node.js、iisnode,并且看到了示例 Hello.js(耶耶,太棒了),所以至少 node 和 iisnode 都在工作。
Node.js - use the latest version if possible, but it has been tested on node 0.6.10 and later
node-gyp - latest version installed globally (npm install -g node-gyp)
python 2.7.x - for node-gyp (make sure it is in the path)
Visual C++ 2010 - the Express edition is freely available from Microsoft
SQL Server Native Client 11.0 - available as Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Native Client found in the SQL Server 2012 Feature Pack
npm install msnodesql
npm http GET https://registry.npmjs.org/msnodesql
npm http 304 https://registry.npmjs.org/msnodesql
> msnodesql@0.2.1 install c:\nodejs\node_modules\msnodesql
> node scripts/install.js
You are downloading Microsoft Driver for Node.js for SQL Server from
Microsoft, the license agreement to which is available at
8AB6-41E616035147/EULA.rtf and in the project folder to which the
software is downloaded. Check the package for additional dependencies, which
may come with their own license agreement(s). Your use of the package and
dependencies constitutes your acceptance of their license agreements. If
you do not accept the license agreement(s), then delete the relevant
components from your device.
install.js: Unable to download msnodesql-0.2.1-v0.10-x64.msi
npm ERR! weird error 1
npm ERR! not ok code 0
我使用许可证密钥注册了 C++,所以,有人可以告诉我我在这里缺少什么吗?