我有一个包含随机代码的脚本,但我正在notepad ++中寻找一种方法,或者寻找批处理文件或任何可以替换sepcifque代码的工具,这是一个示例:
If this equal that then you soulAd do this and do that therefore..
the code should be executed immediatly
select * from user_error where object_name = name
select * from user_error where table= randomly
case 1 a = b else c=a
Begin with the structure of the data and divide the codes
end with what you know
我想替换评论堆栈 b 和堆栈 a 之间的单词,所以结果将如下所示
If this equal that then you sould do this and do that therefore..
the code should be executed immediatly
The codes here has been replaced,
can you do that ?
case 1 a = b else c=a
Begin with the structure of the data and divide the codes
end with what you know