更新 3
此解决方案基于estpost svy: tab
该命令返回的可用结果向量比svy: tab
其本身更多。与以前的版本一样,此解决方案将所有这些结果放入 Stata 数据集中。它在诉诸循环之前添加了对数据是否包含缺失类别的检查,并略微收紧了循环限制。按照 Nick 的建议,缺失值被替换为所有与标准错误相关的统计数据。注意
estpost svy: tab rep78
estpost svy: tab rep78, count
将估计的计数及其 SE 放入这些矩阵中。但是,其他摘要仍然可用,在e(cell)
sysuse auto, clear
drop if rep78==2 |rep78==5
svyset _n [pw = turn]
estpost svy: tab rep78, se
/* Number categories from 1 to max */
local maxcat = 5
/* count rows, add one for totals row
assign the category for that row as .a */
r = (st_matrix("e(Row)"), .a)'
b = st_matrix("e(b)")'
serr = st_matrix("e(se)")'
lb = st_matrix("e(lb)")'
ub = st_matrix("e(ub)")'
def = st_matrix("e(deff)")'
dft = st_matrix("e(deft)")'
ct = st_matrix("e(count)")'
pr = st_matrix("e(cell)")'
obs = st_matrix("e(obs)")'
d1 =(r , b, serr, lb, ub, def, dft, obs, pr, ct)
/* Where there are no totals, use a standard missing value */
d1[rows(d1),3::7] = J(1,5, .)
/* Check if there are no missing rows.
If so, output the original returned matrices */
if (`e(r)' ==`maxcat') d = d1
/* Else create a zero matrix and populate it
with statistics for the non-missing categories*/
else {
d2= J(`maxcat',10,0)
d2[.,1] =(1::`maxcat')
for (j = 1; j<=`e(r)'; j++) {
for (k = 1; k<=r[j,1]; k++) {
if (r[j,1]== k) {
d2[k,2] = b[j,1]
d2[k,3] = serr[j,1]
d2[k,4] = lb[j,1]
d2[k,5] = ub[j,1]
d2[k,6] = def[j,1]
d2[k,7] = dft[j,1]
d2[k,8] = obs[j,1]
d2[k,9] = pr[j,1]
d2[k,10] = ct[j,1]
/* If rows are missing set SE-realated stats to missing*/
for (k = 1; k<=`maxcat'; k++) {
if (d2[k,2] == 0) d2[k,3..7] =J(1,5,.)
/* Now add the totals row */
d = d2 \ d1[rows(d1),.]
getmata (rep78 b se lb ub deff deft nobs prop count ) = d
format b se lb ub deff deft prop %5.2f
format nobs count %10.0gc
label define rtot .a "Totals"
label values rep78 rtot
save results, replace
包含列表变量的最大类别数。该代码假定表变量中的类别是从 1 到 的整数maxcat
sysuse auto, clear
svyset _n
drop if rep78== 2 | rep78==5
svy: tab rep78, count se
local maxcat = 5 //max no. of categories
matrix oldr = e(Row)' // category values
matrix ct = e(Obs) // table counts
// serr is a vector of std. errors
mata: st_matrix("serr", sqrt(diagonal(st_matrix("e(V)"))))
// matrix new will hold the expanded results
matrix new = J(`maxcat', 3, 0)
forvalues j = 1/`=e(r)' {
forvalues k = 1/`maxcat'{
matrix new[`k',1] = `k'
if oldr[`j',1]== `k' {
matrix new[`k',2] = ct[`j',1]
matrix new[`k',3] = serr[`j',1]
matrix list new
更新 2:这是一个在 Mata 中完成大部分工作的版本,然后将估计值保存到 Stata 数据集中。我稍微更改了矩阵的名称。
sysuse auto, clear
svyset _n
drop if rep78== 2 | rep78==5
svy: tab rep78, count se
local maxcat =5
r = st_matrix("e(Row)")'
ct = st_matrix("e(Obs)")
serr= sqrt(diagonal(st_matrix("e(V)")))
d = J(`maxcat',3,0)
for (j = 1; j<=`e(r)'; j++) {
for (k = 1; k<=`maxcat'; k++) {
d[k,1] = k
if (r[j,1]== k) {
d[k,2] = ct[j,1]
d[k,3] = serr[j,1]
getmata (rep78 count se) = d
replace se = . if count==0
format se %8.2f
save results, replace