['Hey', 'yo', 'Hey?', 'Yeah.', 'john:']
我想删除, . " ' ? ! *
for element in array:
# perform
Depends on what you mean by 'everything else.'
[elt.strip(',."\'?!*:') for elt in array]
is pretty easy and gets the job done, assuming you have a reasonably-small list of removable tokens.
In [1]: ar = ['Hey', 'yo', 'Hey?', 'Yeah.', 'john:']
In [2]: [elt.strip(',."\'?!*:') for elt in ar]
Out[2]: ['Hey', 'yo', 'Hey', 'Yeah', 'john']
Or, as suggested:
import string
[elt.strip(string.punctuation) for elt in ar]
Otherwise, if you want to remove everything else that isn't ~alphanumeric, you could do:
import re
[re.sub(r'\W+', '', elt) for elt in array]
which will remove all non-word (to be precise, [A-Za-z0-9_]
) characters.