在 iOS7 中,Apple 使键盘半透明(在 iPhone 上)。如果我想添加一个匹配不透明度的附件视图,我该怎么做?另外,我想在我的附件视图中模仿键盘键 - 我该怎么做?
2 回答
Apple 类参考说明如下:
The UIInputView class is designed to match the appearance of the standard system keyboard when used as an input view with a responder. When defining your own custom input views or input accessory views, you can use a UIInputView object as the root view and add any subviews you want to create your input view. The input view and its subviews receive tinting and blur effects based on the options you specify at initialization time.
在 iOS7 上,手机弹出一个半透明键盘,但附件视图按原样呈现 - 未应用半透明。因此,如果用户在键盘下方有视图,则用户将看到键盘上有一些流血,但看不到您的附件视图。如何确定适用于那里的适当不透明度?
这样做的方法是测量键盘弹出白色背景时的背景变化,然后是黑色背景。但是评估键盘视图中的变化,您可以找出键盘用于背景颜色的内容 - 颜色和不透明度设置。按键及其边框等也是如此。
这就是下面的代码所做的——但它做得更多。它参数化了按钮 - 适用于 iPhone、iPad、darkKeyboard(iOS7 的新功能)和 lightKeyboard。
如果您想复制任一设备的按钮,无论哪种颜色,您都可以这样做 - 添加到您的附件视图。
如果您不想从代码中创建我们自己的项目,您可以在 github 上找到一个 - 搜索CreateShadowedRoundRectButtonImage
- 但如果由于某种原因消失了,代码如下。
编辑:请注意,经过一些测试,我发现在不模糊视图的不透明度的情况下,可以清楚地显示其下方的文本。现在希望使用下面建议的背景颜色,不透明度设置为 0.8 作为 UIToolbar 中的 barTintColor(半透明=YES)(作为 inputAccessoryView)
typedef struct { CGFloat whiteColor ; CGFloat opacity; } setting;
typedef struct {
CGFloat keyboardBackColor;
CGFloat keyBackColor;
CGFloat keyShadowColor;
//CGFloat keyFontColor; // not changing in 7.0
CGFloat altKeyBackColor;
CGFloat altKeyShadowColor;
//CGFloat altKeyFontColor; // not changing in 7.0
} keyboardVariant;
typedef struct {
setting keyboardBackSetting;
setting keyBackColorSetting;
setting keyShadowColorSetting;
setting altKeyBackColorSetting;
setting altKeyShadowColorSetting;
} settings;
static settings whiteKeyboardSettings, blackKeyboardSettings;
static BOOL isIdiomPhone;
@implementation CreateButton
+ (void)initialize
isIdiomPhone = UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPhone;
// Using 'Pixie' observe values of the keyboard with an all white or all black background, to compute white and opacity
// NOTE: black values must be somewhat smaller than the light ones or you get divide by null
if(isIdiomPhone) {
// White Keyboard
keyboardVariant white = { .87f, .99f, .53f, .77f, .53f };
keyboardVariant black = { .65f, .98f, .40f, .66f, .40f }; // Alt Font was .39 no opacity
whiteKeyboardSettings = [self defineWithWhiteBackground:white blackBackground:black];
// Black Keyboard
keyboardVariant white = { .36f, .55f, .21f, .42f, .21f };
keyboardVariant black = { .08f, .35f, .05f, .20f, .05f }; // Alt Font 1.0
blackKeyboardSettings = [self defineWithWhiteBackground:white blackBackground:black];
} else {
// White Keyboard
keyboardVariant white = { .82f, .99f, .49f, .75f, .49f };
keyboardVariant black = { .81f, .98f, .48f, .74f, .48f }; // Alt Font 1.0
whiteKeyboardSettings = [self defineWithWhiteBackground:white blackBackground:black];
// Black Keyboard
keyboardVariant white = { .05f, .34f, .03f, .19f, .03f };
keyboardVariant black = { .04f, .33f, .02f, .18f, .02f }; // Alt Font 1.0
blackKeyboardSettings = [self defineWithWhiteBackground:white blackBackground:black];
+ (UIColor *)backgroundColorForType:(UIKeyboardAppearance)type
setting s = type == UIKeyboardAppearanceLight ? whiteKeyboardSettings.keyboardBackSetting : blackKeyboardSettings.keyboardBackSetting;
return [UIColor colorWithRed:s.whiteColor-.01 green:s.whiteColor blue:s.whiteColor+.01 alpha:s.opacity];
+ (settings)defineWithWhiteBackground:(keyboardVariant)white blackBackground:(keyboardVariant)black
settings v;
v.keyboardBackSetting = [self solveForWhite:white.keyboardBackColor black:black.keyboardBackColor whiteBG:1 blackBG:0];
v.keyBackColorSetting = [self solveForWhite:white.keyBackColor black:black.keyBackColor whiteBG:white.keyboardBackColor blackBG:black.keyboardBackColor];
v.keyShadowColorSetting = [self solveForWhite:white.keyShadowColor black:black.keyShadowColor whiteBG:white.keyboardBackColor blackBG:black.keyboardBackColor];
v.altKeyBackColorSetting = [self solveForWhite:white.altKeyBackColor black:black.altKeyBackColor whiteBG:white.keyboardBackColor blackBG:black.keyboardBackColor];
v.altKeyShadowColorSetting = [self solveForWhite:white.altKeyShadowColor black:black.altKeyShadowColor whiteBG:white.keyboardBackColor blackBG:black.keyboardBackColor];
return v;
+ (setting)solveForWhite:(CGFloat)white black:(CGFloat)black whiteBG:(CGFloat)wBG blackBG:(CGFloat)bBG
// Solve two equations in two variables:
// bBG(1-opacity) + whiteColor*opacity = black
// wBG(1-opacity) + whiteColor*opacity = white
if(isIdiomPhone) {
CGFloat a = black - bBG;
CGFloat b = white - wBG;
CGFloat colorDiff = (a - b);
CGFloat backgDiff = (wBG - bBG);
CGFloat opacity = colorDiff / backgDiff;
opacity = MIN(1, opacity);
opacity = MAX(0, opacity);
CGFloat whiteColor = b/opacity + wBG;
whiteColor = MIN(1, whiteColor);
whiteColor = MAX(0, whiteColor);
setting setting;
setting.opacity = opacity;
setting.whiteColor = whiteColor;
return setting;
} else {
setting setting;
setting.opacity = 1;
setting.whiteColor = white;
return setting;
- (UIImage *)buttonImage:(CGSize)size type:(UIKeyboardAppearance)type
return [self buttonImage:size type:type isAlt:NO];
- (UIImage *)altButtonImage:(CGSize)size type:(UIKeyboardAppearance)type
return [self buttonImage:size type:type isAlt:YES];
- (UIImage *)buttonImage:(CGSize)size type:(UIKeyboardAppearance)type isAlt:(BOOL)altButton
CGFloat cornerRadius = isIdiomPhone ? 4 : 7;
setting foreSetting, shadowSetting;
if(altButton) {
foreSetting = type == UIKeyboardAppearanceLight ? whiteKeyboardSettings.altKeyBackColorSetting : blackKeyboardSettings.altKeyBackColorSetting;
shadowSetting = type == UIKeyboardAppearanceLight ? whiteKeyboardSettings.altKeyShadowColorSetting : blackKeyboardSettings.altKeyShadowColorSetting;
} else {
foreSetting = type == UIKeyboardAppearanceLight ? whiteKeyboardSettings.keyBackColorSetting : blackKeyboardSettings.keyBackColorSetting;
shadowSetting = type == UIKeyboardAppearanceLight ? whiteKeyboardSettings.keyShadowColorSetting : blackKeyboardSettings.keyShadowColorSetting;
UIColor *foregroundColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:foreSetting.whiteColor-.01 green:foreSetting.whiteColor blue:foreSetting.whiteColor+.01 alpha:foreSetting.opacity];
UIColor *shadowColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:shadowSetting.whiteColor-.01 green:shadowSetting.whiteColor blue:shadowSetting.whiteColor+.01 alpha:shadowSetting.opacity];
CGRect frame = (CGRect){ {0,0}, size };
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(size, NO, 0); // NO -> not opaque
CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
CGContextSetBlendMode(context, kCGBlendModeCopy);
if(isIdiomPhone && altButton) {
UIColor *altColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:foreSetting.whiteColor+.05 green:foreSetting.whiteColor+.06 blue:foreSetting.whiteColor+.07 alpha:foreSetting.opacity];
[self drawRoundRectofSize:frame inContext:context color:altColor radius:cornerRadius];
frame.size.height -= 1;
frame.origin.y += 1;
[self drawRoundRectofSize:frame inContext:context color:shadowColor radius:cornerRadius];
} else {
[self drawRoundRectofSize:frame inContext:context color:shadowColor radius:cornerRadius];
frame.size.height -= 1;
[self drawRoundRectofSize:frame inContext:context color:foregroundColor radius:cornerRadius];
UIImage *image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
return image;
- (void)drawRoundRectofSize:(CGRect)rect inContext:(CGContextRef)context color:(UIColor *)fillColor radius:(CGFloat)radius
CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(context, fillColor.CGColor);
CGContextMoveToPoint(context, rect.origin.x, rect.origin.y + radius);
CGContextAddLineToPoint(context, rect.origin.x, rect.origin.y + rect.size.height - radius);
CGContextAddArc(context, rect.origin.x + radius, rect.origin.y + rect.size.height - radius,
radius, M_PI, M_PI / 2, 1); //STS fixed
CGContextAddLineToPoint(context, rect.origin.x + rect.size.width - radius,
rect.origin.y + rect.size.height);
CGContextAddArc(context, rect.origin.x + rect.size.width - radius,
rect.origin.y + rect.size.height - radius, radius, M_PI / 2, 0.0f, 1);
CGContextAddLineToPoint(context, rect.origin.x + rect.size.width, rect.origin.y + radius);
CGContextAddArc(context, rect.origin.x + rect.size.width - radius, rect.origin.y + radius,
radius, 0.0f, -M_PI / 2, 1);
CGContextAddLineToPoint(context, rect.origin.x + radius, rect.origin.y);
CGContextAddArc(context, rect.origin.x + radius, rect.origin.y + radius, radius,
-M_PI / 2, M_PI, 1);