I am trying to use Roslyn to get the reference to the symbol (FieldSymbol) for backing field of the property, but AssociatedPropertyOrEvent is null. Here is the unit test that fails.

public void Get_BackingField_for_Property()

    var sourceCode = @" public class Player
                        private Person _MyPerson;

                        public virtual Person MyPerson
                            get { return _MyPerson; }

                        public virtual void Set(Person person)
                            _MyPerson = person;

    var syntaxTree = SyntaxTree.ParseText(sourceCode);

    var mscorlib = MetadataReference.CreateAssemblyReference(

    var compilation = Compilation.Create("HelloWorld")

    //var  semanticModel = compilation.GetSemanticModel(syntaxTree);

    var classSymbol =

    Assert.That(classSymbol,Is.Not.Null, "class");

    var propertySymbol = classSymbol.GetMembers().Where(x => x.Kind == SymbolKind.Property);

    Assert.That(propertySymbol, Is.Not.Null, "property");

    var backingField = classSymbol.GetMembers().Where(x=>x.Kind== SymbolKind.Field).Cast<FieldSymbol>().First();

    Assert.That(backingField.AssociatedPropertyOrEvent, Is.Not.Null,"backing field");

Update: For anybody trying to do the same INotifyPropertyChaged sample has code that gets backing field of the property. I modified it to fit my needs. Here is the code

internal static IFieldSymbol GetBackingField(this IPropertySymbol property, ISemanticModel semanticModel)
    var propertyDelcarationSyntax = (PropertyDeclarationSyntax)property.DeclaringSyntaxNodes.First();

    var getter = propertyDelcarationSyntax.AccessorList.Accessors.First(a => a.Kind == SyntaxKind.GetAccessorDeclaration);

    return GetBackingFieldFromGetter(getter, semanticModel);
private static IFieldSymbol GetBackingFieldFromGetter(AccessorDeclarationSyntax getter, ISemanticModel semanticModel)
    // The getter should have a body containing a single return of a backing field.

    if (getter.Body == null)
        throw new Exception("Missing a getter body for property " + semanticModel.GetDeclaredSymbol(getter.Parent).Name);

    var statements = getter.Body.Statements;
    if (statements.Count != 1)
        throw new Exception("Getter body has more then one statement for property " + semanticModel.GetDeclaredSymbol(getter.Parent).Name);

    var returnStatement = statements.Single() as ReturnStatementSyntax;
    if (returnStatement == null || returnStatement.Expression == null)
        throw new Exception("Getter body is missing a return statement for property " + semanticModel.GetDeclaredSymbol(getter.Parent).Name);

    return semanticModel.GetSymbolInfo(returnStatement.Expression).Symbol as IFieldSymbol;

2 回答 2



如果此字段用作自动生成的属性或类似字段的事件的支持变量,则返回该属性/事件。否则返回 null。



于 2013-10-28T19:21:57.683 回答

您只能使用当前的 API 采取另一种方式。使用GetMembers获取所有这些,然后找到AssociatedPropertyOrEvent您想要的属性的字段。

于 2013-10-28T19:21:30.277 回答