编辑:我想我对实际搜索值的可能解决方案有所了解。通过确保用户输入以 0 结尾,应该可以解决问题。这将涉及从 uint 中减去最后一位数字(我不知道如何获得,除非我将转换为字符串,将 end 修剪回 uint 方法,这很难看,但我想它可以工作)然后减去它。如果有人对如何执行此操作有任何提示,请帮助我!
我一直在开发一个程序来搜索 Xbox 360 上的内存以获取特定值,如果你熟悉的话,它类似于“作弊引擎”。我已经掌握了基础知识,但我遇到了一个问题。我搜索内存的方法取决于从与您的值一致的地址开始搜索。如果这对您没有意义,这里是代码:
private void searchInt32(int Value, uint Address, uint BytesToSearch)
for (uint i = 0; i <= BytesToSearch; i+=4)
int recoveredMem = XboxSupport.littleEndtoInt(XboxSupport.GetMem(Address + i, 4), 0);
//Recover Memory (As Bytes) and convert to integer from address (incremented based on for loop)
if (recoveredMem == Value) //Check if recovered mem = search value
writeToFile(Address + i, Convert.ToString(Value)); //If recovered mem = search value, write to a text file
siStatus.Caption = String.Format("Searching Bytes {0} out of {1}...", i, BytesToSearch); //Update status caption
如您所见,代码保持在最低限度,并且在从控制台恢复内存时也尽可能快。但是,如果它恢复的 4 个字节与该值不一致,它将永远不会返回您想要的。这显然是一个严重的问题,因为用户不知道他们的值在哪里或从哪个地址开始返回正确的值。然后我尝试使用以下代码来解决这个问题:
private void searchUInt32(uint Value, uint Address, uint BytesToSearch)
siStatus.Caption = String.Format("Recovering Memory...");
byte[] data = XboxSupport.GetMem(Address, BytesToSearch); //Dump Console Memory
FileStream output = new FileStream("SearchData.dat", FileMode.Create);
BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(output);
writer.Write(data); //Write dump to file
output = new FileStream("SearchData.dat", FileMode.Open);
BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(output); //Open dumped file
for (uint i = 0; i *4 < reader.BaseStream.Length; i++)
byte[] bytes = reader.ReadBytes(4); //Read the 4 bytes
uint currentValue = BitConverter.ToUInt32(bytes, 0); //Convert to UInt
if(currentValue == Value) //Compare
writeToFile(Address + i * 4, Convert.ToString(Value));
siStatus.Caption = String.Format("Searching Bytes {0} out of {1}...", i * 4, BytesToSearch);
当我将地址加载到工具中时,它们作为字符串从文本文件加载,然后尝试转换为 uint。我使用以下代码解决了 not even 问题:
sA[0] = sA[0].Remove(sA[0].Length - 1) + "0"; //Remove last character and replace w/ 0
//Add 16 to the search length