I've got a function in my script that wraps up the send-mailmessage cmdlet and does a bit of logic before sending out each email.
My question is how do I create the argument list to feed into send-mailmessage so that Cc, Bcc, and Attachments are optional.
What I'd done before is just a few if statements. But adding -Cc to the mix, that will be 9 if statements instead of the current 4. I figure I'm over-thinking this and there's got to be a simpler way.
Stripped down Function:
Function Send-Email ($To, $Cc, $Bcc, $Subject, $From, $Body, $Attachments)
#Some more code goes here that sometimes modifies the incoming parameters
$EmailServer = my.mail.server
#Need to add ability for $Cc to be optional
if ($Attachments -and $Bcc) {send-mailmessage -to $To -Cc $Cc -Bcc $Bcc -subject $Subject -From $From -body $Body -smtpserver $EmailServer -attachments $Attachments -ErrorAction "Stop"}
if ($Attachments -and -not $Bcc) {send-mailmessage -to $To -Cc $Cc -subject $Subject -From $From -body $Body -smtpserver $EmailServer -attachments $Attachments -ErrorAction "Stop"}
if ($Bcc -and -not $Attachments) {send-mailmessage -to $To -Cc $Cc -Bcc $Bcc -subject $Subject -From $From -body $Body -smtpserver $EmailServer -ErrorAction "Stop"}
if (-not $Attachments -and -not $Bcc) {send-mailmessage -to $To -Cc $Cc -subject $Subject -From $From -body $Body -smtpserver $EmailServer -ErrorAction "Stop"}
Catch [system.exception]
"Failed to send email to $($To) due to: $_" #Logging removed for SO example code
I've tried generating the arguments as one long string or also as an array of strings, then using invoke-expression. I've tried the same, but using the '&' sign to execute the cmdlet.
I just get prompted for the parameters by the shell when I try that.
PS E:\script> invoke-expression 'send-mailmessage $a'
cmdlet Send-MailMessage at command pipeline position 1
Supply values for the following parameters:
PS E:\script> & send-mailmessage $a
cmdlet Send-MailMessage at command pipeline position 1
Supply values for the following parameters:
I've tried setting $Cc as $Null, or $False, or a null string "", but send-mailmessage complains of invalid parameters.
I feel like I'm missing something simple here, but in my mind, the function should look something like this invalid example:
Function Send-Email ($To, $Cc, $Bcc, $Subject, $From, $Body, $Attachments)
#Some more code goes here that sometimes modifies the incoming parameters
$EmailServer = my.mail.server
if ($Cc) {$CcArg = "-Cc $Cc"}
if ($Bcc) {$BccArg = "-Bcc $Bcc"}
if ($Attachments) {$AttachArg = "-Attachments $Attachments"}
send-mailmessage -to $To ($CcArg) ($BccArg) -subject $Subject -From $From -body $Body -smtpserver $EmailServer $AttachArg -ErrorAction "Stop"
Catch [system.exception]
"Failed to send email to $($To) due to: $_" #Logging removed for SO example code
Thanks for any thoughts or suggestions.