我正在尝试将 onmouseover 和 onmouseout 效果放在 span 标签上,但我遇到的问题是,当 span 标签中的数据进入第二行时,当用户点击行中的空白时,onmouseover 效果基本上会取消休息。
<span onmouseover="this.style.backgroundColor='red'" onmouseout="this.style.backgroundColor='white'">
<a href="#">this is a placeholder link to show the way that the span onmouseover acts when a <br/><br/>link enters a second/third line, essentially causing white-space within span</a>
在我的实际使用中,悬停菜单显示在 span 标签的左下角,这意味着用户可能会悬停在右上角,当试图将鼠标光标移至菜单时,点击空白会导致菜单消失。此菜单是动态构建的,并添加到显示的任何帐户链接中。
With _ActionLinkLabel
.ID = "alp"
.CssClass = "alWrap"
If actionMenuItemString = String.Empty Then
.Attributes.Add("onmouseover", "overActionLink('" + _ActionMenu.ClientID + "',this.id);")
.Attributes.Add("onmouseover", "var arAMI = [" + actionMenuItemString + "];overActionLink('" + _ActionMenu.ClientID + "',this.id, arAMI);")
End If
.Attributes.Add("onmouseout", "outActionLink('" + _ActionMenu.ClientID + "');")
.Attributes.Add("style", "height:100%;")
End With
_ActionLinkImage = New ImageButton
With _ActionLinkImage
.ID = "ali"
.ImageUrl = "/applications/images/icons/action_arrow.gif"
End With
_ActionLinkButton = New LinkButton
With _ActionLinkButton
.Text = Me.Text
.ID = "alb"
.CssClass = "ActionLink"
.Style("postion") = "absolute"
End With
AddHandler _ActionLinkButton.Click, AddressOf OnActionLinkClicked