问题在标题中:我在 Npp 中有许多打开的文件,并且只想通过 Alt+F6 (NppExec-Plugin) 编译最左边的一个,我正在使用 ConTeXt 编译 tex 文件。


taskkill /im SumatraPDF.exe
context.exe "filename.tex" --synctex=1
C:...\sumatra.bat "$(CURRENT_DIRECTORY)\filename.pdf"




1 回答 1


这是 NppExec 支持的所有环境变量的列表,如文档中所述:

 *   6) All Notepad++ environment variables are supported:
 *        $(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)  : E:\my Web\main\welcome.html 
 *        $(CURRENT_DIRECTORY)  : E:\my Web\main
 *        $(FILE_NAME)          : welcome.html 
 *        $(NAME_PART)          : welcome 
 *        $(EXT_PART)           : .html
 *        $(NPP_DIRECTORY)      : the full path of notepad++'s directory
 *        $(CURRENT_WORD)       : word(s) you selected in Notepad++
 *        $(CURRENT_LINE)       : current line number
 *        $(CURRENT_COLUMN)     : current column number
 *   7) Additional environment variables:
 *        $(#0)                 : C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe
 *        $(#N), N=1,2,3...     : full path of the Nth opened document
 *        $(LEFT_VIEW_FILE)     : current file path-name in primary (left) view
 *        $(RIGHT_VIEW_FILE)    : current file path-name in second (right) view
 *        $(PLUGINS_CONFIG_DIR) : full path of the plugins configuration directory
 *        $(CWD)                : current working directory of NppExec (use "cd" to change it)
 *        $(ARGC)               : number of arguments passed to the NPP_EXEC command
 *        $(ARGV)               : all arguments passed to the NPP_EXEC command after the script name
 *        $(ARGV[0])            : script name - first parameter of the NPP_EXEC command
 *        $(ARGV[N])            : Nth argument (N=1,2,3...)
 *        $(RARGV)              : all arguments in reverse order (except the script name)
 *        $(RARGV[N])           : Nth argument in reverse order (N=1,2,3...)
 *        $(INPUT)              : this value is set by the 'inputbox' command
 *        $(INPUT[N])           : Nth field of the $(INPUT) value (N=1,2,3...)
 *        $(OUTPUT)             : this value can be set by the child process, see npe_console v+
 *        $(OUTPUT1)            : first line in $(OUTPUT)
 *        $(OUTPUTL)            : last line in $(OUTPUT)
 *        $(EXITCODE)           : exit code of the last executed child process
 *        $(MSG_RESULT)         : result of 'npp_sendmsg[ex]' or 'sci_sendmsg'
 *        $(MSG_WPARAM)         : wParam (output) of 'npp_sendmsg[ex]' or 'sci_sendmsg'
 *        $(MSG_LPARAM)         : lParam (output) of 'npp_sendmsg[ex]' or 'sci_sendmsg'
 *        $(SYS.<var>)          : system's environment variable, e.g. $(SYS.PATH)

因此,似乎无法选择最左边的文件。但是,您可以做的是filename使用变量更改命令中出现的 2 次$(NAME_PART),并在执行之前选择最左侧的文件,因此$(NAME_PART)将设置为filename.

于 2013-10-28T19:32:42.667 回答