基本上,我试图向用户询问产品的 ID 号,然后将具有该编号的元素复制到新的集合中。
//Set up shop and add products
public void SetUpShop()
products.Add(new Farm_Shop(1, "Apple", "Fruit\t", 0.49, 40, 'n'));
products.Add(new Farm_Shop(2, "Orange", "Fruit\t", 0.59, 35, 'n'));
然后,我显示一个菜单,允许用户输入他们想要的 ID 号,例如“1 代表 Apple”。然后我要做的是将“Apple”集合中的所有信息添加到新集合中。
//Display all items
public void DisplayAll()
Console.WriteLine("\nID\tProduct\tCategory\tPrice\tStock\tIn Basket?");
foreach (Farm_Shop temp in products)
//display each product to console by using Display method in Farm Shop class
//Allow user to add a product to the basket (change 'inBasket' to 'y')
Console.WriteLine("Enter the ID of the item you wish to add to your basket: ");
int idToAdd = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
//Add array with the same as ID as person wants to add to basket to Basket array.
basket.Add //Trying to add element to the "basket" collection.
我显然可以将元素添加到集合中,但事实上我必须获取 ID 号,然后将其与所有数组中的内容进行比较,然后获取其中包含该 ID 的数组并将其添加到新集合中.