我正在搞乱可变参数模板并尝试锻炼一个 luabinding 方案。我知道它们存在,但只是想弄乱新功能。我正在工作的是目前的 VS2013 试用版。我创建了一个函子类,它是我从 C++ 端调用 lua 函数所需的信息的包装器;但是,我一生都无法获得用于将变量推送到堆栈上以解包和工作的模板函数。我已经尝试了网上可以找到的每个示例,并尝试了他们提到如何解压缩函数模板的值的所有方法。我显然错过了一些东西。我注意到的所有示例都采用了 && 移动引用。这是要求吗?

These functions push an item onto the lua stack
template<typename T> inline void lua_push(lua_State* L,T&& t){ static_assert(false,      "Unsupported Type! Cannot set to lua stack"); }
template<> inline void lua_push<lua_CFunction>(lua_State* L,lua_CFunction&& func){      assert(L != nullptr && func != nullptr); lua_pushcfunction(L, func); }
template<> inline void lua_push<double>(lua_State* L,double&& d){ assert(L != nullptr);  lua_pushnumber(L, d); }
template<> inline void lua_push<int>(lua_State* L,int&& i){ assert(L != nullptr);  lua_pushinteger(L, i); }
template<> inline void lua_push<bool>(lua_State* L,bool&& b){ assert(L != nullptr);  lua_pushboolean(L, b); }
template<> inline void lua_push<std::string>(lua_State* L,std::string&& s){ assert(L != nullptr);  lua_pushlstring(L, s.c_str(), s.size()); }
template<> inline void lua_push<const char*>(lua_State* L,const char*&& s){ assert(L != nullptr); lua_pushstring(L, s); }


template<typename Return,typename... Args> class LuaFunctor{};
    A Lua function that will return a single value.
template<typename Return,typename... Args> class LuaFunctor<Return(Args...)>
    //The lua state the function exists on
    lua_State* m_luaState;
    //Name of the function to be called in lua
    std::string m_FunctionName;
    //Return typedef
    typedef Return return_type;
    //The number of arguments the functor accepts
    static const int arguments = sizeof...(Args);
    inline LuaFunctor(lua_State* L,const std::string& name) : m_luaState(L), m_FunctionName(name) {}
    inline LuaFunctor(lua_State* L,const char* name) : m_luaState(L), m_FunctionName(name) {}
    //Function call overload that allows the functor to act like a function call of luascript
    inline Return operator()(Args&&... args)
        //Assert that the function name does exist and luaState is pointing to something hopefully meaningful
        assert(m_luaState != nullptr && m_FunctionName.size() != 0);
        //Set the function
        lua_getglobal(m_luaState, m_FunctionName.c_str());
        //Verify Lua function is pushed onto the stack
        assert(lua_isfunction(m_luaState, -1));
        //If arguments exist push them onto the stack
        if (sizeof...(Args) != 0)
                      How do I unpack this?????
                      I want to unpack this into multiple functions
                      One for each type of argument.
            lua_push(m_luaState, std::forward<Args>(args))...; 
        //Call the function that is in lua
        int status = lua_pcall(m_luaState, sizeof...(Args), 1, 0);
            If there was an error calling the function throw an exception
            TODO: parse the error using luas builtin decode of the error for now just pass it on
            TODO: create lua_exception
        if (status != 0) throw std::exception("Error calling lua function");
        //Return the value request by lua, error checking is built-in to the function to verify type
        return lua_get<Return>(m_luaState);

2 回答 2



    These functions push an item onto the lua stack
template<typename First, typename... Rest> inline void lua_push(lua_State* L,First first,Rest... rest)
    lua_push(L, first);
    lua_push(L, rest...);
template<typename T> inline void lua_push(lua_State* L, T t){ static_assert(false, "Invalid type attemptiing to be pushed onto lua stack!"); }
template<> inline void lua_push<lua_CFunction>(lua_State* L, lua_CFunction func){ assert(L != nullptr && func != nullptr); lua_pushcfunction(L, func); }
template<> inline void lua_push<double>(lua_State* L, double d){assert(L != nullptr);  lua_pushnumber(L, d); }
template<> inline void lua_push<int>(lua_State* L, int i){ assert(L != nullptr);  lua_pushinteger(L, i); }
template<> inline void lua_push<bool>(lua_State* L, bool b){ assert(L != nullptr);  lua_pushboolean(L, b); }
template<> inline void lua_push<std::string>(lua_State* L, std::string s){assert(L != nullptr);  lua_pushlstring(L, s.c_str(), s.size()); }
template<> inline void lua_push<const char*>(lua_State* L,const char* s){ assert(L != nullptr); lua_pushstring(L, s); }


template<typename Return,typename... Args> class LuaFunctor<Return(Args...)>
    //The lua state the function exists on
    lua_State* m_luaState;
    //Name of the function to be called in lua
    std::string m_FunctionName;
    //Return typedef
    typedef Return return_type;
    //The number of arguments the functor accepts
    static const int arguments = sizeof...(Args);
    inline LuaFunctor(lua_State* L,const std::string& name) : m_luaState(L), m_FunctionName(name) {}
    inline LuaFunctor(lua_State* L,const char* name) : m_luaState(L), m_FunctionName(name) {}
    //Function call overload that allows the functor to act like a function call of luascript
    inline Return operator()(Args... args)
        //Assert that the function name does exist and luaState is pointing to something hopefully meaningful
        assert(m_luaState != nullptr && m_FunctionName.size() != 0);
        //Set the function
        lua_getglobal(m_luaState, m_FunctionName.c_str());
        //Verify Lua function is pushed onto the stack
        assert(lua_isfunction(m_luaState, -1));
        //If arguments exist push them onto the stack
        if (sizeof...(Args) != 0) lua_push(m_luaState, args...);
        //Call the function that is in lua
        int status = lua_pcall(m_luaState, sizeof...(Args), 1, 0);
            If there was an error calling the function throw an exception
            TODO: parse the error using luas builtin decode of the error for now just pass it on
            TODO: create lua_exception
        if (status != 0)
            throw std::exception("Error calling lua function");
        //Return the value request by lua, error checking is built-in to the function to verify type
        return lua_get<Return>(m_luaState);
于 2013-10-28T12:53:47.177 回答


让他们返回一些副本或活字(bool会做,或struct nothing{};)。


auto sink[]={lua_push(m_luaState, std::forward<Args>(args))...};


于 2013-10-29T10:28:41.433 回答