您可以使用NumberFormatInfo.NumberGroupSeparator 属性
来自 MSDN 的示例
using System;
using System.Globalization;
class NumberFormatInfoSample {
public static void Main() {
// Gets a NumberFormatInfo associated with the en-US culture.
NumberFormatInfo nfi = new CultureInfo( "en-US", false ).NumberFormat;
// Displays a value with the default separator (",").
Int64 myInt = 123456789;
Console.WriteLine( myInt.ToString( "N", nfi ) );
// Displays the same value with a blank as the separator.
nfi.NumberGroupSeparator = " ";
Console.WriteLine( myInt.ToString( "N", nfi ) );
This code produces the following output.
123 456 789.00
为您 - 将 NumberGroupSeparator 属性设置为 '/'
var t = long.Parse("123/456/789",NumberStyles.Any, new NumberFormatInfo() { NumberGroupSeparator = "/" });
var output = string.Format(new NumberFormatInfo() { NumberGroupSeparator="/"}, "{0:0,0}", t);