我想使用Distribution Certificate & Mobile Provisioning Profile为iOS 平台制作Release Build。我想在不想打开XCode的地方使用Phonegap(Cordova) 命令行工具来执行此操作。
我有移动配置文件和分发证书。我还在我的机器上安装了XCode、NodeJS,但我不想打开 Xcode 只使用 cordova 命令行工具生成 iOS 版本。
我想使用Distribution Certificate & Mobile Provisioning Profile为iOS 平台制作Release Build。我想在不想打开XCode的地方使用Phonegap(Cordova) 命令行工具来执行此操作。
我有移动配置文件和分发证书。我还在我的机器上安装了XCode、NodeJS,但我不想打开 Xcode 只使用 cordova 命令行工具生成 iOS 版本。
cordova build ios --device --release
你应该在科尔多瓦有一个名为 build.json 的文件。在 build.json 中,内容应该是这样的
"ios": {
"debug": {
"codeSignIdentitiy": "iPhone Development",
"provisioningProfile": "*****"
"release": {
"codeSignIdentitiy": "iPhone Distribution",
"provisioningProfile": "******"
在您的 cordova/phonegap 项目中,您可以写入 build.xcconfig 以满足您的所有配置需求。该文件位于此处: <project-dir>/platforms/ios/cordova/build.xcconfig
当您cordova build ios
,cordova 将指向该文件。这允许通过对cordova的最小修改进行简单的配置。
<project_dir>/platforms/ios/cordova/build.sh --release
目录包含实际的构建脚本。您可以查看它以了解 cordova 是如何构建的。
为了使设备构建(即使用 arm 架构,不适用于 i386 仿真器)--device
你应该去 build.phonegap.com 并在那里创建一个带有电子邮件和密码的帐户。登录后,有以下步骤:
1. Upload a zip of your project.
2. Start building it for first time.
3. Go on account (top left user icon) -> edit settings
4. Go to on Signing keys and add a new key by uploading the p12 and provisioning files
5. Unlock it using the password of the certificate.
6. Go on apps menu, you should have the app.
7. Press on app title in order to expand the builds
9. Select the key for IOS.
After that start a cmd window, make sure you have all requirements met (as is described here:http://docs.phonegap.com/en/3.0.0/guide_cli_index.md.html).
In that cmd window, you should perform following commands:
phonegap remote login -u <the account email> -p <the password>
phonegap remote build ios
In order to be all ok, you should be sure to have in config.json file the id of this new account.
Also, in order to perform the previous phonegap commands, you need to be in the folder of the project.
Please, be aware, the activation of the ios key is around 1 hour. If you want to do this automatically, you should first login, unlock the key, and build.