I got a ScrollPane
containing focusable Nodes.
The current default behaviour is:
Shift + ←</kbd>, ↑</kbd>, →</kbd>, ↓</kbd> moves the focus
←</kbd>, ↑</kbd>, →</kbd>, ↓</kbd> scrolls the view
I want it the other way around. How can I accomplish this or where should I start?
[EDIT] Well, there is another fragile approach.
Instead of messing around with the events, one could mess around with the KeyBinding
scrollPane.skinProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Skin<?>>() {
public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Skin<?>> observable, Skin<?> oldValue, Skin<?> newValue) {
ScrollPaneSkin scrollPaneSkin = (ScrollPaneSkin) scrollPane.getSkin();
ScrollPaneBehavior scrollPaneBehavior = scrollPaneSkin.getBehavior();
try {
Field keyBindingsField = BehaviorBase.class.getDeclaredField("keyBindings");
List<KeyBinding> keyBindings = (List<KeyBinding>) keyBindingsField.get(scrollPaneBehavior);
List<KeyBinding> newKeyBindings = new ArrayList<>();
for (KeyBinding keyBinding : keyBindings) {
KeyCode code = keyBinding.getCode();
newKeyBindings.add(code == KeyCode.LEFT || code == KeyCode.RIGHT || code == KeyCode.UP || code == KeyCode.DOWN ? keyBinding.shift() : keyBinding);
keyBindingsField.set(scrollPaneBehavior, newKeyBindings);
} catch (NoSuchFieldException | SecurityException | IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException e) {
LOGGER.warn("private api changed.", e);
I think, that could be the cleaner way, if KeyBindings were more non-static, modifyable and public.