I'm trying to use Tor-Server as a proxy in HttpWebRequest, my code looks like this:

HttpWebRequest request;
HttpWebResponse response;

request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("http://www.google.com");
request.Proxy = new WebProxy("");

response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();

it works perfect with "normal" proxies but with Tor I'm getting Exceptions while calling

GetResponse() with Status = ServerProtocolViolation. The message is (in German...):Message = "Der Server hat eine Protokollverletzung ausgeführt.. Section=ResponseStatusLine"


5 回答 5



request.Proxy = new WebProxy(""); // default privoxy port

这将使您能够使用 tor 提出请求

于 2010-01-23T19:44:51.413 回答

Tor is not an HTTP proxy. It's a SOCKS proxy. You can use an HTTP proxy that supports forwarding on SOCKS (like Privoxy) and connect to that via code instead.

于 2009-12-26T02:38:26.033 回答

是的,就像其他海报所说的那样,需要一个袜子客户。一些库是Starksoft ProxyProxySocketComponentSpace Socks Proxysockscap是一个拦截和重新路由winsock 调用的工具,而privoxy是一个本地代理,可以通过socks 隧道化您的请求。几个不同的解决方案。

于 2009-12-26T03:28:49.473 回答
于 2015-10-01T06:13:36.127 回答


Imports System.IO
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Net.Sockets
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices

Public Class Form1

    Sub Form1_Load() Handles Me.Load

        Dim Host As String = "google.com"

        Dim P As New SocksProxy("localhost", 64129) 'Set your socks proxy here
        Dim Stream As NetworkStream = P.GetStream(Host, 80)
        Dim buffer As Byte() = Download(Stream, Host, "")

        My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllBytes("C:\webpage.html", buffer, False)

    End Sub

    Function Download(Stream As NetworkStream, Host As String, Resource As String) As Byte()

        Using writer = New StreamWriter(Stream)
            writer.Write(String.Format("GET /{2} HTTP/1.1{0}Host: {1}{0}{0}", vbCrLf, Host, Resource))

            Dim byteList As New List(Of Byte)
            Dim bufferSize As Integer = 4096
            Dim buffer(bufferSize - 1) As Byte

                Dim bytesRead As Integer = Stream.Read(buffer, 0, bufferSize)
            Loop While Stream.DataAvailable

            Return byteList.ToArray
        End Using

    End Function
End Class

Public Class SocksProxy

    Private _SocksHost As String
    Private _SocksPort As Integer

    Sub New(SocksHost As String, SocksPort As Integer)
        _SocksHost = SocksHost
        _SocksPort = SocksPort
    End Sub

    Function GetStream(HostDest As String, PortDest As Short) As NetworkStream

        Dim client As TcpClient = New TcpClient()
        client.Connect(_SocksHost, _SocksPort)

        Dim stream As NetworkStream = client.GetStream()
        Dim buf = New Byte(299) {}
        buf(0) = &H5
        buf(1) = &H1
        buf(2) = &H0
        stream.Write(buf, 0, 3)

        ReadExactSize(stream, buf, 0, 2)
        If buf(0) <> &H5 Then
            Throw New IOException("Invalid Socks Version")
        End If
        If buf(1) = &HFF Then
            Throw New IOException("Socks Server does not support no-auth")
        End If
        If buf(1) <> &H0 Then
            Throw New Exception("Socks Server did choose bogus auth")
        End If

        buf(0) = &H5
        buf(1) = &H1
        buf(2) = &H0
        buf(3) = &H3
        Dim domain = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(HostDest)
        buf(4) = CByte(domain.Length)
        Array.Copy(domain, 0, buf, 5, domain.Length)
        Dim port = BitConverter.GetBytes(IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder(CShort(PortDest)))
        buf(5 + domain.Length) = port(0)
        buf(6 + domain.Length) = port(1)
        stream.Write(buf, 0, domain.Length + 7)

        ' Reply
        ReadExactSize(stream, buf, 0, 4)
        If buf(0) <> &H5 Then
            Throw New IOException("Invalid Socks Version")
        End If
        If buf(1) <> &H0 Then
            Throw New IOException(String.Format("Socks Error {0:X}", buf(1)))
        End If
        Dim rdest = String.Empty
        Select Case buf(3)
            Case &H1
                ' IPv4
                ReadExactSize(stream, buf, 0, 4)
                Dim v4 = BitConverter.ToUInt32(buf, 0)
                rdest = New IPAddress(v4).ToString()
                Exit Select
            Case &H3
                ' Domain name
                ReadExactSize(stream, buf, 0, 1)
                If buf(0) = &HFF Then
                    Throw New IOException("Invalid Domain Name")
                End If
                ReadExactSize(stream, buf, 1, buf(0))
                rdest = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buf, 1, buf(0))
                Exit Select
            Case &H4
                ' IPv6
                Dim octets = New Byte(15) {}
                ReadExactSize(stream, octets, 0, 16)
                rdest = New IPAddress(octets).ToString()
                Exit Select
            Case Else
                Throw New IOException("Invalid Address type")
        End Select
        ReadExactSize(stream, buf, 0, 2)
        Dim rport = CUShort(IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder(CShort(BitConverter.ToUInt16(buf, 0))))

        Return stream
    End Function

    Private Sub ReadExactSize(stream As NetworkStream, buffer As Byte(), offset As Integer, size As Integer)
        While size <> 0
            Dim read = stream.Read(buffer, offset, size)
            If read < 0 Then
                Throw New IOException("Premature end")
            End If
            size -= read
            offset += read
        End While
    End Sub

End Class
于 2014-08-19T08:17:29.217 回答