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当我在 IDE 中运行程序时,版本为 5.3.5--2013-06-18(-/f),#lang racket例如。
#lang racket
#lang racket (+ 4 5) (/ 10 2)
按下Run >时,交互窗口会"9\n5\n"打印到交互窗口。与版本相同R6RS
#!r6rs (import (rnrs base)) (+ 4 5) (/ 10 2)
当Run >语言为R6RS. 有没有什么地方可以改变这种行为,Preferences也许?
When I try to run this page, by clicking on the dropdown, the change event is sending an AJAX request, but it is shows an error: "Uncaught TypeError: Object # has no metho