我有 2 个文件:

  1. 包含单字母密码下的文本(它是从另一个解密密码输出的)
  2. 是我的语言分析文件,它包含四元组,其中有 53000 个(AAAA,AAAB,...,ZZZZ),每个四元组都指定了在所选语言中找到它的频率+百分比,例如:(AAAA*:*2* 0.71188)


我正在生成随机密钥[它是打乱的字母线 a=j,k=u,...],解密文本并将其与语言分析进行比较,这意味着如果文本长度为 1000 字符,这意味着我必须比较 1000-3= 997 个带有语言分析文件的四元组,这意味着单次尝试最多可进行 997*52000 = 5180 万次比较,大约需要 20 000 个键才能获得原始文本 => 最多 5180 万 * 20 000 次比较。目前我在 string[][] 中有语言分析文件。我需要尽可能快的比较。


创建“帮助”数组,其中包含语言分析的第一个字母的位置(后来只有 LA),像这样 A=0;B=3564(第一个以 B(BAAA) 开头的四元组是 3564。LA 中的字符串);...当我将从加密文本中得到四元组时,例如 BECA,我将开始我的 FOR 循环,从 3564 开始搜索四元组 BECA。来自 LA 的字符串不是从 0 开始。是否有任何类型的多维数组 - 哈希表、目录,这将为我解决这个问题并且足够快吗?


1 回答 1


听起来您指的是类似于Bucket Sort的方法。

因为四元组中只有 26^4 (456,976) 种可能的组合,所以应该可以在单个数组结构中表示整个四元组值集合。(你可以让它多维,只是为了让生活更轻松)。这应该可以实现超快速查找。

void Main()
    var buckets = new double[26,26,26,26];

    foreach(string tetragram in input)
        var frequency = buckets[
            GetBucketIndex(tetragram, 1),
            GetBucketIndex(tetragram, 2),
            GetBucketIndex(tetragram, 3),
            GetBucketIndex(tetragram, 4)];

// This reduces repetetive code: if your program still isn't fast
// enough you may try inlining this method (although it's likely
// that the JITter will just do this for you.
int GetBucketIndex(string tetragram, int i)
    return tetragram[i] - 'A';

是否有任何类型的多维数组 - 哈希表、目录,可以为我解决这个问题并且足够快?


我的基准测试表明,我可以以每秒 50,000 次以上的速度比较 1000 个字符的字符串中的所有 997 个四元组。这速度够快吗?

使用字典代替,我每秒只能执行大约 8,000 次。这慢了 5 倍,但代码更简单。正如您在评论中提到的那样,这仍然比您以前做的要快得多。“足够快”将取决于您的业务案例。


/* This is a benchmarking template I use in LINQPad when I want to do a
 * quick performance test. Just give it a couple of actions to test and
 * it will give you a pretty good idea of how long they take compared
 * to one another. It's not perfect: You can expect a 3% error margin
 * under ideal circumstances. But if you're not going to improve
 * performance by more than 3%, you probably don't care anyway.*/
void Main()
    // Enter setup code here
    var random = new Random();
    var chars = new char[1000];
    for (int i = 0; i < chars.Length; i++)
        chars[i] = (char)random.Next('A', 'Z' + 1);
    var str = new string(chars);

    var probabilities = Enumerable.Range(0, (int)Math.Pow(26, 4)).Select(i => random.NextDouble()).ToList();
    var probabArray = new double[26,26,26,26];
    for (int i = 0; i < probabilities.Count; i++)
        int j1 = i % 26,
            j2 = i / 26 % 26,
            j3 = i / 26 / 26 % 26,
            j4 = i / 26 / 26 / 26 % 26;
        probabArray[j1, j2, j3, j4] = probabilities[i];

    var probabDict = probabilities.Select((p, i) => new{
        prob = p,
        str = new string(new char[]{(char)(i%26 + 'A'), (char)(i / 26 % 26 + 'A'), (char)(i / 26 / 26 % 26 + 'A'), (char)(i / 26 / 26 / 26 % 26 + 'A')})
    }).ToDictionary(e => e.str, e => e.prob);

    var actions = new[]
        new TimedAction("first", () =>
            for(int i = 0; i < str.Length - 3; i++)
                var prob = probabArray[str[i] - 'A', str[i + 1] - 'A', str[i + 2] - 'A', str[i + 3] - 'A'];
        new TimedAction("second", () =>
            for(int i = 0; i < str.Length - 3; i++)
                var prob = probabDict[str.Substring(i, 4)];
        // Enter additional tests here
    const int TimesToRun = 10000; // Tweak this as necessary
    TimeActions(TimesToRun, actions);

#region timer helper methods
// Define other methods and classes here
public void TimeActions(int iterations, params TimedAction[] actions)
    Stopwatch s = new Stopwatch();
    int length = actions.Length;
    var results = new ActionResult[actions.Length];
    // Perform the actions in their initial order.
    for(int i = 0; i < length; i++)
        var action = actions[i];
        var result = results[i] = new ActionResult{Message = action.Message};
        // Do a dry run to get things ramped up/cached
        result.DryRun1 = s.Time(action.Action, 10);
        result.FullRun1 = s.Time(action.Action, iterations);
    // Perform the actions in reverse order.
    for(int i = length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
        var action = actions[i];
        var result = results[i];
        // Do a dry run to get things ramped up/cached
        result.DryRun2 = s.Time(action.Action, 10);
        result.FullRun2 = s.Time(action.Action, iterations);

public class ActionResult
    public string Message {get;set;}
    public double DryRun1 {get;set;}
    public double DryRun2 {get;set;}
    public double FullRun1 {get;set;}
    public double FullRun2 {get;set;}

public class TimedAction
    public TimedAction(string message, Action action)
        Message = message;
        Action = action;
    public string Message {get;private set;}
    public Action Action {get;private set;}

public static class StopwatchExtensions
    public static double Time(this Stopwatch sw, Action action, int iterations)
        for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++)

        return sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds;


Message DryRun1 DryRun2 FullRun1  FullRun2
first   0.5502  0.3217  221.5343  222.9831 
second  2.4481  1.063   1384.6288 1138.6466 
于 2013-10-27T20:18:30.350 回答