
我的应用程序是一个简单的应用程序,它使用 Access 数据库加载员工信息并从单词模板创建信件和财务明细表,然后用户可以打印并保存回数据库。



Public Module Datasets
Public update As String
Dim pCn As OleDb.OleDbConnection

Public Function CSofwareDataSet() As DataSet
    'open new connection to database
    pCn = New OleDb.OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=G:\CGI Project\CorrespondenceSoftware\Database1.accdb; Persist Security Info=False;")
        Call pCn.Open() 'opens the connection
    Catch ex As Exception
        MessageBox.Show("Could not open a database connection! 1")
    End Try

    CSofwareDataSet = New DataSet
Dim daOPG As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM Overpayment WHERE PayNumber='" & Main.tbPayNumber.Text & "' AND Gross=1", pCn) 'get all data from Overpayment Details table
Dim daOPN As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM Overpayment WHERE PayNumber='" & Main.tbPayNumber.Text & "' AND Net=1", pCn) 'get all data from Overpayment Details table
Dim daOPR As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM OvpReasons", pCn) 'get overpayment reasons
Dim daREC As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM TaxYear", pCn) 'get recovery date options
Dim daEMP As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM EmployeeDetails WHERE PayNumber='" & Main.tbPayNumber.Text & "' AND Active=1 ", pCn) 'get all data from Employee Details table
Dim daCON As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM Consultant", pCn) 'get all data from Consultant Details table
Dim daSET As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM Settings", pCn) 'get all data from Consultant Details table
'Find the primary key (if missing)
    daOPG.MissingSchemaAction = MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey
    daOPN.MissingSchemaAction = MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey
    daOPR.MissingSchemaAction = MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey
    daREC.MissingSchemaAction = MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey
    daEMP.MissingSchemaAction = MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey
    daCON.MissingSchemaAction = MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey
    daSET.MissingSchemaAction = MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey
'setup prefixes
Dim cbOPG As New OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder(daOPG)
    cbOPG.QuotePrefix = "["
    cbOPG.QuoteSuffix = "]"
Dim cbOPN As New OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder(daOPN)
    cbOPG.QuotePrefix = "["
    cbOPG.QuoteSuffix = "]"
Dim cbOPR As New OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder(daOPR)
    cbOPG.QuotePrefix = "["
    cbOPG.QuoteSuffix = "]"
Dim cbREC As New OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder(daREC)
    cbOPG.QuotePrefix = "["
    cbOPG.QuoteSuffix = "]"
Dim cbEMP As New OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder(daEMP)
    cbEMP.QuotePrefix = "["
    cbEMP.QuoteSuffix = "]"
Dim cbCON As New OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder(daCON)
    cbEMP.QuotePrefix = "["
    cbEMP.QuoteSuffix = "]"
Dim cbSET As New OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder(daSET)
    cbEMP.QuotePrefix = "["
    cbEMP.QuoteSuffix = "]"

    If CSofwareDataSet.HasChanges Then
            daEMP.Update(CSofwareDataSet, "EmployeeDetails")
            daOPG.Update(CSofwareDataSet, "OverPaymentGross")
            daOPN.Update(CSofwareDataSet, "OverPaymentNet")
            daSET.Update(CSofwareDataSet, "Settings")

            MessageBox.Show("Success! Records updated.")
            update = "0"
        Catch ex As Exception
            MessageBox.Show("Oops - something went wrong and it didn't update")
            update = "0"
        End Try
    ElseIf CSofwareDataSet.Tables.Count = 0 Then
        daOPG.Fill(CSofwareDataSet, "OverPaymentGross")
        daOPN.Fill(CSofwareDataSet, "OverPaymentNet")
        daOPR.Fill(CSofwareDataSet, "OverPaymentReasons")
        daREC.Fill(CSofwareDataSet, "RecoveryDates")
        daEMP.Fill(CSofwareDataSet, "EmployeeDetails")
        daCON.Fill(CSofwareDataSet, "ConsultantDetails")
        daSET.Fill(CSofwareDataSet, "Settings")

    End If

    'If update = "1" Then
    ' Try
    ' daEMP.Update(CSofwareDataSet, "EmployeeDetails")
    ' daOPG.Update(CSofwareDataSet, "OverPaymentGross")
    ' daOPN.Update(CSofwareDataSet, "OverPaymentNet")
    ' daSET.Update(CSofwareDataSet, "Settings")
    '        MessageBox.Show("Success! Records updated.")
    '        update = "0"
    '        Catch ex As Exception
    ' MessageBox.Show("Oops - something went wrong and it didn't update")
    ' update = "0"
    ' End Try
    ' End If


End Function
End Module


Imports WeifenLuo.WinFormsUI.Docking
Imports Word = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word
Imports CorrespondenceSoftware.Datasets

Public Class GrossInput

Dim loading = "1"
Dim NewEmployee = "0" 'sets the default new employee flag to 0
Private pCn As OleDb.OleDbConnection

Private Sub GrossInput_Load(ByVal Sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load


            If CSofwareDataSet.Tables("EmployeeDetails").Rows.Count > 0 Then
                For i As Integer = 0 To CSofwareDataSet.Tables("EmployeeDetails").Rows.Count - 1
                    cbTitle.Text = CSofwareDataSet.Tables("EmployeeDetails").Rows(i)(2)
                    tbFName.Text = CSofwareDataSet.Tables("EmployeeDetails").Rows(i)(3)
                    tbLName.Text = CSofwareDataSet.Tables("EmployeeDetails").Rows(i)(4)
                    tbAddress1.Text = CSofwareDataSet.Tables("EmployeeDetails").Rows(i)(5)
                    tbAddress2.Text = CSofwareDataSet.Tables("EmployeeDetails").Rows(i)(6)
                    tbAddress3.Text = CSofwareDataSet.Tables("EmployeeDetails").Rows(i)(7)
                    tbAddress4.Text = CSofwareDataSet.Tables("EmployeeDetails").Rows(i)(8)
                    tbPostcode.Text = CSofwareDataSet.Tables("EmployeeDetails").Rows(i)(9)
                    tbWorkLocation.Text = CSofwareDataSet.Tables("EmployeeDetails").Rows(i)(10)
                    tbWorkLocation.Enabled = False
                    tbPostcode.Enabled = False
                    tbAddress4.Enabled = False
                    tbAddress3.Enabled = False
                    tbAddress2.Enabled = False
                    tbAddress1.Enabled = False
                    tbLName.Enabled = False
                    tbFName.Enabled = False
                    cbTitle.Enabled = False
                    chkMSC.Enabled = False
                    chkOfficer.Enabled = False
                    chkStaff.Enabled = False
                    bnSaveEmp.Enabled = False
                    bnEditEmp.Enabled = True

            End If
            If CSofwareDataSet.Tables("EmployeeDetails").Rows(0)(11) = "1" Then
                chkOfficer.Checked = True
                chkOfficer.Checked = False

            End If
            If CSofwareDataSet.Tables("EmployeeDetails").Rows(0)(12) = "1" Then
                chkStaff.Checked = True
                chkStaff.Checked = False

            End If
            If CSofwareDataSet.Tables("EmployeeDetails").Rows(0)(13) = "1" Then
                chkMSC.Checked = True
                chkMSC.Checked = False

            End If

        Catch ex As Exception
            MessageBox.Show("Employee not found. Ensure pay number is correct and create a new record")
            NewEmployee = "1" ' tells the program to create a new record if saved
            cbReference.Enabled = False
            cbReference.Text = ""
            bnEditEmp.Enabled = False
        End Try

        'display the overpayment references to the user
        If CSofwareDataSet.Tables("OverPaymentGross").Rows.Count > 0 Then
            For i As Integer = 0 To CSofwareDataSet.Tables("OverPaymentGross").Rows.Count - 1
        End If
        'display the available consultants to the user
        If CSofwareDataSet.Tables("ConsultantDetails").Rows.Count > 0 Then
            For i As Integer = 0 To CSofwareDataSet.Tables("ConsultantDetails").Rows.Count - 1
                cbConsultant.Items.Add(CSofwareDataSet.Tables("ConsultantDetails").Rows(i)(1) & " " & CSofwareDataSet.Tables("ConsultantDetails").Rows(i)(2))
        End If
        'display the available Overpayment reasons to the user
        If CSofwareDataSet.Tables("OverPaymentReasons").Rows.Count > 0 Then
            For i As Integer = 0 To CSofwareDataSet.Tables("OverPaymentReasons").Rows.Count - 1
        End If
        'Load other recovery date options 
        If CSofwareDataSet.Tables("RecoveryDates").Rows.Count > 0 Then
            For i As Integer = 0 To CSofwareDataSet.Tables("RecoveryDates").Rows.Count - 1
        End If

    Catch ex As Exception
        MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString) 'Show any errors to the user
    End Try
    loading = "0"
End Sub

现在!我遇到的问题是,这确实可以正常工作并且运行时没有任何错误,但是每次运行 CSSoftwareDataSet 函数时,它都会正确填充表并返回预期的结果,但是它会删除数据表数据,因此每次引用该函数时都来自一个winform,它需要从头开始从access数据库中提取所有数据,严重影响程序的性能。表格不会正确更新,因为它不存储数据表信息,并且一旦插入它被遗忘的信息,但又不会产生任何错误。我的更新脚本示例如下所示:

 Else 'create a new record
        'create a new reference
        Dim REFRowCount = CSofwareDataSet.Tables("OverPaymentGross").Rows.Count + 1 'count the number of rows in table and add 1
        Dim NewREF = "OVPG" & Main.tbPayNumber.Text & "-" & REFRowCount
        'Find todays date and reply dates

        Dim TodayDatedate = Format(Now.Date(), "dd/MM/yyyy")
        Dim ReplyDatedate = Format(Now.Date.AddDays(21), "dd/MM/yyyy")

        'Create a new row
        Dim OPNew As DataRow = CSofwareDataSet.Tables("OverPaymentGross").NewRow() 'create a variable to contain the new row
        OPNew.Item(1) = Main.tbPayNumber.Text
        OPNew.Item(2) = NewREF
        OPNew.Item(3) = tbOverpaymentAmount.Text.ToString
        OPNew.Item(4) = tbMonRec.Text
        OPNew.Item(5) = tbTaxP.Text
        OPNew.Item(6) = TodayDatedate
        OPNew.Item(7) = ReplyDatedate
        OPNew.Item(8) = tbMoRep.Text
        OPNew.Item(9) = cbStartRecovery.Text
        OPNew.Item(10) = "1" 'Set as gross
        OPNew.Item(11) = "0" 'do not set as net
        OPNew.Item(12) = cbReason.Text
        OPNew.Item(13) = tbAI.Text
        OPNew.Item(14) = dtpStart.Value.Date
        OPNew.Item(15) = dtpFinish.Value.Date
        OPNew.Item(16) = cbConsultant.Text
        OPNew.Item(17) = tbPosition.Text

        Call CSofwareDataSet.Tables("OverPaymentGross").Rows.Add(OPNew) 'fill the new row and insert the data

必须有一个解决方案。创建一个数据集,在您打开其他 winform 时将其数据保存在会话中,直到它被重置。我没有想法,因为我真的不想回去为我程序中的几乎每个子例程重复所有这些代码。




1 回答 1


您可以声明DataSet全局变量,将其填充到刚开始调用的函数 (sub) 中,并通过访问变量而不是一遍又一遍地调用函数来检索信息。您的代码使用了某种模棱两可的方法(函数和变量的名称相同),它与 VB 规则(函数可能不包含Return语句,但包含函数名称的变量)一起对您不利。


Public CSofwareDataSet As DataSet
Public Sub populateDS()
    'open new connection to database
    pCn = New OleDb.OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=G:\CGI Project\CorrespondenceSoftware\Database1.accdb; Persist Security Info=False;")
        Call pCn.Open() 'opens the connection
    Catch ex As Exception
        MessageBox.Show("Could not open a database connection! 1")
    End Try

    CSofwareDataSet = New DataSet

    'Remaining code

End Sub

只调用一次这个子程序(在应用程序开始时;或者每次必须从数据库中检索新数据时)并继续使用CSofwareDataSet到目前为止(尽管作为变量,通过删除Call位;另一方面,在 VB.NET 中根本不需要)。

于 2013-10-27T16:36:55.473 回答