Assume I have two dataframes of this format (call them df1 and df2):

|        user_id         |      business_id       | rating |
| rLtl8ZkDX5vH5nAx9C3q5Q | eIxSLxzIlfExI6vgAbn2JA |      4 |
| C6IOtaaYdLIT5fWd7ZYIuA | eIxSLxzIlfExI6vgAbn2JA |      5 |
| mlBC3pN9GXlUUfQi1qBBZA | KoIRdcIfh3XWxiCeV1BDmA |      3 |

I'm looking to get a dataframe of all the rows that have a common user_id in df1 and df2. (ie. if a user_id is in both df1 and df2, include the two rows in the output dataframe)

I can think of many ways to approach this, but they all strike me as clunky. For example, we could find all the unique user_ids in each dataframe, create a set of each, find their intersection, filter the two dataframes with the resulting set and concatenate the two filtered dataframes.

Maybe that's the best approach, but I know Pandas is clever. Is there a simpler way to do this? I've looked at merge but I don't think that's what I need.


3 回答 3



但简而言之,用这种方法对 OP 的回答很简单:

s1 = pd.merge(df1, df2, how='inner', on=['user_id'])

这为 s1 提供了 5 列:user_id 以及 df1 和 df2 中的其他两列。

于 2015-05-29T17:47:24.753 回答


In [80]: df1
   rating  user_id
0       2  0x21abL
1       1  0x21abL
2       1   0xdafL
3       0  0x21abL
4       4  0x1d14L
5       2  0x21abL
6       1  0x21abL
7       0   0xdafL
8       4  0x1d14L
9       1  0x21abL

In [81]: df2
   rating      user_id
0       2      0x1d14L
1       1    0xdbdcad7
2       1      0x21abL
3       3      0x21abL
4       3      0x21abL
5       1  0x5734a81e2
6       2      0x1d14L
7       0       0xdafL
8       0      0x1d14L
9       4  0x5734a81e2

In [82]: ind = df2.user_id.isin(df1.user_id) & df1.user_id.isin(df2.user_id)

In [83]: ind
0     True
1    False
2     True
3     True
4     True
5    False
6     True
7     True
8     True
9    False
Name: user_id, dtype: bool

In [84]: df1[ind].append(df2[ind])
   rating  user_id
0       2  0x21abL
2       1   0xdafL
3       0  0x21abL
4       4  0x1d14L
6       1  0x21abL
7       0   0xdafL
8       4  0x1d14L
0       2  0x1d14L
2       1  0x21abL
3       3  0x21abL
4       3  0x21abL
6       2  0x1d14L
7       0   0xdafL
8       0  0x1d14L


In [93]: df1.index & df2.index
Out[93]: Int64Index([], dtype='int64')


于 2013-10-27T14:15:13.493 回答

在 SQL 中,这个问题可以通过以下几种方法来解决:

select * from df1 where exists (select * from df2 where df2.user_id = df1.user_id)
union all
select * from df2 where exists (select * from df1 where df1.user_id = df2.user_id)

或加入然后反透视(可能在 SQL Server 中)

from df1
    inner join df2 on df2.user_i = df1.user_id
    outer apply (
        select df1.rating union all
        select df2.rating
    ) as c

第二个可以用 pandas 编写,例如:

>>> df1 = pd.DataFrame({"user_id":[1,2,3], "rating":[10, 15, 20]})
>>> df2 = pd.DataFrame({"user_id":[3,4,5], "rating":[30, 35, 40]})
>>> df4 = df[['user_id', 'rating_1']].rename(columns={'rating_1':'rating'})
>>> df = pd.merge(df1, df2, on='user_id', suffixes=['_1', '_2'])
>>> df3 = df[['user_id', 'rating_1']].rename(columns={'rating_1':'rating'})
>>> df4 = df[['user_id', 'rating_2']].rename(columns={'rating_2':'rating'})
>>> pd.concat([df3, df4], axis=0)
   user_id  rating
0        3      20
0        3      30
于 2013-10-27T14:38:43.390 回答