var timezoneoffset = new Date().getTimezoneOffset();
返回 -120.14933013916015。
我期望返回值是 120,并且通常,该值始终是一个整数。
var timezoneoffset = new Date().getTimezoneOffset();
返回 -120.14933013916015。
我期望返回值是 120,并且通常,该值始终是一个整数。
I have tried everything I can think of, and cannot reproduce the problem you are reporting.
The only thing I can think of is that something else in your code is modifying the Date
prototype. Perhaps you are using some date/time library that you didn't tell us about?
Please try reproducing the problem in a clean empty console.
in the URL barnew Date().getTimezoneOffset()
into the console.Does it still show the decimals?
prototype.时区偏移是 UTC 和本地时间差异的结果,该值表示分钟,如果值为负,则偏移量在 UTC 之前,记住这一点简单的代码行可以为您提供偏移量传统的以小时为单位。
var offset = (new Date().getTimezoneOffset()/-60);
var timezoneoffset = new Date().getTimezoneOffset();
var timezoneoffsetinteger = parseInt(timezoneoffset);
变量 timezoneoffsetinteger 将等于 -120 作为整数。我猜你是在 GMT+2?
如果您希望它对 GMT+ 有利而对 GMT- 不利,则需要执行以下操作:
var timezoneoffsetconvert = timezoneoffsetinteger * (-2) / 2
这将返回(对于 GMT+2 (-120))120