由于以下帮助,我尝试将我的应用程序与 mkbundle 命令捆绑在一起:
With -c, the further option --nomain will generate the host.c file without a main method so that
you can embed it as a library in an existing native application in which you are embedding the Mono
runtime yourself. Just call mono_mkbundle_init() before initializing the JIT to make the bundled
assemblies available.
这绝对是我需要做的!我还查了这个文档: http: //man.he.net/man1/mkbundle2
You may also use mkbundle to generate a bundle you can use when embed-
ding the Mono runtime in a native application. In that case, use both
the -c and --nomain options. The resulting host.c file will not have a
main() function. Call mono_mkbundle_init() before initializing the JIT
in your code so that the bundled assemblies are available to the embed-
ded runtime.
...initializing the JIT