感谢@John提出自己实现 CSRF 的建议,我通过了第一个问题。然而,事实证明 IE 根本没有提交发布数据(在调试之后)所以,stackoverflow 上有一个标题IE 拒绝通过 $.ajax 发送数据
标签告诉 IE 在 IE9 兼容模式下使用 javascript。
<meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="IE=9" >
现在,对于关于使用钩子解决 csrf 的文章,它忽略了一个问题,即如果您正在使用.serializeArray()
jquery 或任何等效项来提交表单,您需要修改
注意:在不重写 csrf 的情况下添加 meta 标签不会解决问题。
* Description of csrf_protection
* @author Ian Murray
class Csrf_Protection {
private $CI;
private static $token_name = 'somename';
private static $token;
public function __construct() {
$this->CI = &get_instance();
* Generates a CSRF token and stores it on session. Only one token per session is generated.
* This must be tied to a post-controller hook, and before the hook
* that calls the inject_tokens method().
* @return void
* @author Ian Murray
public function generate_token()
// Load session library if not loaded
if ($this->CI->session->userdata(self::$token_name) === FALSE)
// Generate a token and store it on session, since old one appears to have expired.
self::$token = md5(uniqid() . microtime() . rand());
$this->CI->session->set_userdata(self::$token_name, self::$token);
// Set it to local variable for easy access
self::$token = $this->CI->session->userdata(self::$token_name);
* Validates a submitted token when POST request is made.
* @return void
* @author Ian Murray
public function validate_tokens()
// Is this a post request?
// Is the token field set and valid?
$posted_token = $this->CI->input->post(self::$token_name);
if($posted_token === FALSE){
$posted_token = $this->_get_token_in_post_array($this->CI->input->post());
*takes the posted token and check it after multidimesional-array search
*@params $posted_token
*@author Mamdouh Alramadan
private function _check_all_post_array($posted_token)
if ($posted_token === 'error' || $posted_token != $this->CI->session->userdata(self::$token_name))
// Invalid request, send error 400.
show_error('Request was invalid. Tokens did not match.', 400);
* This injects hidden tags on all POST forms with the csrf token.
* Also injects meta headers in <head> of output (if exists) for easy access
* from JS frameworks.
* @return void
* @author Ian Murray
public function inject_tokens()
$output = $this->CI->output->get_output();
// Inject into form
$output = preg_replace('/(<(form|FORM)[^>]*(method|METHOD)="(post|POST)"[^>]*>)/',
'$0<input type="hidden" name="' . self::$token_name . '" value="' . self::$token . '">',
// Inject into <head>
$output = preg_replace('/(<\/head>)/',
'<meta name="cname" content="' . self::$token_name . '">' . "\n" . '<meta name="cval" content="' . self::$token . '">' . "\n" . '$0',
* takes the posted array and check for the token inside it
* @params $arr array
* @author Mamdouh Alramadan
private function _get_token_in_post_array($arr)
{//this function is customized to my case but it's easy to adapt
$key = $this->_recursive_post_array_search(self::$token_name, $arr);//this will return data if token found
if($key === 'data'){//I'm expecting the token inside data array
$key = $this->_recursive_post_array_search(self::$token_name, $arr['data']);
return isset($arr['data'][$key]['value'])?$arr['data'][$key]['value']:FALSE;
return 'error';
//some custom function to do multi-dimensional array search, can be replaced with any other searching function.
private function _recursive_post_array_search($needle,$haystack) {
foreach($haystack as $key=>$value) {
if($needle===$value OR (is_array($value) && $this->_recursive_post_array_search($needle,$value) !== false)) {
return $current_key;
return false;