I'm developing that need to use a asynchoronous method. I know my program will not pause to wait the result of that method. But my program must have the result of that method to continue. So, how can I pause my program until I get the result of that method? Otherwise, I need to synchronize a program that contains asynchronous methods.
This is my code:
private async void DiaChiGanNhat()
double kc;
Geolocator myGeolocator = new Geolocator();
Geoposition myGeoposition = await myGeolocator.GetGeopositionAsync();
Geocoordinate myGeocoordinate = myGeoposition.Coordinate;
GeoCoordinate myGeoCoordinate = ConvertGeocoordinate(myGeocoordinate);
IList<DiaChi> dc = dc_control.LocTheoTheLoai(TheLoai(txtTimKiem.Text));
for (int i = 0; i < dc.Count; i++)
kc = TinhKhoangCach(myGeoCoordinate.Longitude, myGeoCoordinate.Latitude, dc[i].KinhDo, dc[i].ViDo);
distance[i] = kc;
//sap xep tang dan ve khoang cach va ID
for (int i = 0; i < distance.Length; i++)
if (distance[i] > distance[i + 1])
double tg1 = distance[i];
distance[i] = distance[i + 1];
distance[i + 1] = tg1;
int tg2 = id[i];
id[i] = id[i + 1];
id[i + 1] = tg2;
private void bttTimKiem_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
IList<DiaChi> addr1 = dc_control.LocTheoID(id[0]);
txtDiaChi1.Text = addr1[0].TenDiaChi;
IList<DiaChi> addr2 = dc_control.LocTheoID(id[1]);
txtDiaChi2.Text = addr2[0].TenDiaChi;
IList<DiaChi> addr3 = dc_control.LocTheoID(id[2]);
txtDiaChi3.Text = addr3[0].TenDiaChi;
That's my problem. I must pause my program until the method DiaChiGanNhat() finish. Don't worry about the method name, cuz I'm Vietnamese. LOL
Thank you so much for helping me!