I was wondering what is the best way to implement a countdown screen before showing the user the game view. For a more detailed example, I want the user to see a screen that displays 3...2...1...GO ! and than the game will appear.

Currently in my application I am using a navigation controller as my main menu where you can select multiple games to choose from. When a user selects one of the game buttons this is where I want the countdown screen to appear before my game interfaces does.

Solutions that I have thought about: 1) should I implement a new view controller that i push on the navigation controller to perform the count down ( seems like a waste) 2) is there a way to blank everything on a view and show a countdown first?

Thanks in advance for your help and cooperation !



3 回答 3


我认为最好的方法是用户选择游戏后,添加您的 3..2..1。转到同一视图上的屏幕..一旦你展示了这个,你也可以开始准备创建你的游戏界面(但不要展示)。GO 出现后,移除此倒计时视图并展示您的游戏。

于 2013-10-27T02:34:10.287 回答


我的建议是打开游戏视图控制器并在其顶部放置一个全屏大小的覆盖视图,并带有您的倒计时消息。让游戏 VC 管理倒计时视图。倒计时完成后,您可以轻松简单地将其淡化、缩小到某个点、进行某种时钟擦除或锁孔动画,或任何您想要的操作。(有些事情显然比其他事情更容易。交叉淡入淡出、缩小等是微不足道的。时钟擦除和钥匙孔转换要困难得多,需要相当先进的核心动画技能。

于 2013-10-27T02:24:11.813 回答

这将用于什么平台?对于全屏覆盖,如果在 iPad 上,我会尝试 UIPopoverViewController。否则,请尝试以模态方式呈现的视图控制器。我相信您可以将任一类型的透明度设置为小于 1,以便底层视图显示出来。在这种情况下,最好在倒计时期间显示所选游戏的开始屏幕。当然,因为上面的景色,它会很黑。但它可以让我们一窥即将发生的事情。

于 2013-10-27T05:08:52.620 回答