I am trying to have the input field add text into a file that is on the server and add it to the select element on the webpage dynamically but it is not working out so well. Currently I am getting an error that e1 is null and the text is not getting appended to my testdoc.txt text file. If I take out the code to try and write to the text file this works without issue. I also tried without the dynamic adding to the select field to see if it would append to file and that does not go. In firebug I do see the post and I see a response but it does not get appended to the file. Below is a snippet of my current code.
function submitxhr(){
var e1=document.getElementById('item');
var e2=document.getElementById('items');
var o=document.createElement('option');
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.overrideMimeType("text/plain; charset=x-user-defined");
<form id="myForm">
<input name="item" type="text" value="" />
<select size="3" id="items" name="items">
<input type="button" value="submit" ONCLICK="submitxhr()">
My next step is then to create a remove button for the options in the select form but I have not gotten there yet but any help would be much appreciated.
[UPDATE] If I am able to pass the XHR POST into a python CGI script I could figure out both adding and removing. Currently, I am unable to pass the POST into the python CGI script. It cannot find the e1 variable when passed.
import cgi
import cgitb
form = cgi.FieldStorage()
value1 = form.getvalue[e1]
f = open(r'testdoc.txt', 'a')
I even checked out this question but when I make a test script using this, I also get a null value, "message = 'writelines() requires an iterable argument'". In my Python CGI script, how do I save to disk a file uploaded via POST request of data entered by the user in a form?
It does look like the value is getting passed but maybe I am not pulling the data out correctly. f = , f.writelines = , fileitem = FieldStorage('userfile', None, 'sghjsjh')