我试图通过在 VBA Excel 中引用它的 name 属性来对自定义集合中的自定义对象做一些事情。我发誓它以前有效(或者至少没有抛出错误),现在它的 kaput。invalid call or argument
Option Explicit
Private DRAFields As New Collection
Sub Add(Name As String, Optional colNbr As Long, Optional Exists As Boolean)
Dim fld As New DRAFld
fld.colNbr = colNbr
fld.Name = Name
fld.Exists = Exists
DRAFields.Add fld
End Sub
Property Get Item(NameOrNumber As Variant)
Set Item = DRAFields(NameOrNumber) '<------- Error here
End Property
集合通过将名称数组传递给函数来添加项目,并且集合返回没有问题。我可以使用密钥进行迭代。但是如果得到这样的错误会发生:Debug.Print myFlds.Item("Customer").colNbr
Option Explicit
Private clmNbrPvt As Long
Private namePvt As String
Private existsPvt As Boolean
Public Property Get colNbr() As Long
colNbr = clmNbrPvt
End Property
Public Property Let colNbr(lngParam As Long)
clmNbrPvt = lngParam
End Property
Public Property Get Name() As String
Name = namePvt
End Property
Public Property Let Name(strParam As String)
namePvt = strParam
End Property
Public Property Get Exists() As Boolean
Exists = existsPvt
End Property
Public Property Let Exists(booParam As Boolean)
existsPvt = booParam
End Property
Function validateAndBuildDRAFields(ByRef arrReqFields() As String, _
inputSheet As Worksheet, _
Optional VBAModule As String) As clsDRAFields
Dim lEndCol As Long: lEndCol = Standard.zGetLastColumn(inputSheet, 1)
Dim i As Long
Dim x As Long
Dim intExit As Long
Dim myDRAFields As New clsDRAFields
Set validateAndBuildDRAFields = myDRAFields
'Builds myDRAFields items from arrReqFields
For i = LBound(arrReqFields) To UBound(arrReqFields)
myDRAFields.Add arrReqFields(i)
Next i
'checks if required fields exist on input sheet
'if found then sets column number and exists = true
For i = 1 To myDRAFields.Count
For x = 1 To lEndCol
If inputSheet.Cells(1, x) = myDRAFields.Item(i).Name Then
myDRAFields.Item(i).colNbr = x
myDRAFields.Item(i).Exists = True
intExit = intExit + 1
Exit For
End If
Next x
If intExit = UBound(arrReqFields) + 1 Then Exit For
Next i
' tells user if there are any missing fields and ends if true
If (Not intExit = UBound(arrReqFields) + 1) Or _
intExit = 0 Then
For i = 1 To myDRAFields.Count
If myDRAFields.Item(i).Exists = False Then
Call Standard.TheEndWithError("I couldn't find the " & myDRAFields.Item(i).Name & _
" column in your file. Please add " & myDRAFields.Item(i).Name & _
" to your DRA Layout.", False, VBAModule)
End If
Next i
Set myDRAFields = Nothing
End If
End Function