我正在使用 Three.js 开发 WebGL 游戏,我决定THREE.BufferGeometry
. 该positionVertices
. 没有错误或警告,最终的网格不会出现。我怀疑我的问题与 Three.js 的关系不大,更多的是因为我对 3D 图形编程的理解有限。我现在最好的猜测是它与索引不正确有关。如果我删除索引,对象就会出现,但一半的三角形的法线方向相反。
Chunk.prototype.positionVertices = function( position, vertices, faces, vertexBuffer, indexBuffer, normalBuffer, colorBuffer ) {
var vertexOffset = vertexBuffer.length / 3;
for( var i = 0; i < faces.length; ++i ) {
indexBuffer.push( faces[i].a + vertexOffset );
indexBuffer.push( faces[i].b + vertexOffset );
indexBuffer.push( faces[i].c + vertexOffset );
normalBuffer.push( faces[i].vertexNormals[0].x );
normalBuffer.push( faces[i].vertexNormals[0].y );
normalBuffer.push( faces[i].vertexNormals[0].z );
normalBuffer.push( faces[i].vertexNormals[1].x );
normalBuffer.push( faces[i].vertexNormals[1].y );
normalBuffer.push( faces[i].vertexNormals[1].z );
normalBuffer.push( faces[i].vertexNormals[2].x );
normalBuffer.push( faces[i].vertexNormals[2].y );
normalBuffer.push( faces[i].vertexNormals[2].z );
var color = new THREE.Color();
color.setRGB( 0, 0, 1 );
for( var i = 0; i < vertices.length; ++i ) {
vertexBuffer.push( vertices[i].x + position.x );
vertexBuffer.push( vertices[i].y + position.y );
vertexBuffer.push( vertices[i].z + position.z );
colorBuffer.push( color.r );
colorBuffer.push( color.g );
colorBuffer.push( color.b );
// This will need to change when more than one type of block exists.
Chunk.prototype.buildMesh = function() {
var cube = new THREE.Mesh();
var vertexBuffer = []; // [0] = v.x, [1] = v.y, etc
var faceBuffer = [];
var normalBuffer = [];
var colorBuffer = [];
for( var k = 0; k < this.size; ++k )
for( var j = 0; j < this.size; ++j )
for( var i = 0; i < this.size; ++i ) {
// Iterates over all of the voxels in this chunk and calls
// positionVertices( position, vertices, faces, vertexBuffer, indexBuffer, normalBuffer, colorBuffer ) for each face in the chunk
var bGeo = new THREE.BufferGeometry();
bGeo.attributes = {
index: {
itemSize: 1,
array: new Uint16Array( faceBuffer ),
numItems: faceBuffer.length
position: {
itemSize: 3,
array: new Float32Array( vertexBuffer ),
numItems: vertexBuffer.length
normal: {
itemSize: 3,
array: new Float32Array( normalBuffer ),
numItems: normalBuffer.length
color: {
itemSize: 3,
array: new Float32Array( colorBuffer ),
numItems: colorBuffer.length
var mesh = new THREE.Mesh( bGeo, VOXEL_MATERIALS["ROCK"]);
return mesh;