正如标题所述,我的页面上有一个 django 可选择的自动完成表单字段,我试图在页面加载后动态克隆。克隆部分有效,但自动完成字段不起作用。我不知道 django-selectable 的内部结构,而且我还在学习 jQuery,所以我迷失了如何“修复”自动选择功能。
我的一般方法是:我在 div 容器内使用 django 模板变量呈现表单小部件,然后克隆 div 容器。
<div class="autocomplete" id="autocomplete_{{ form.instance.id}}">{{form.autocomplete_dropdown}}</div>
// This works, just the cloned form lacks "autocomplete" functionality.
var autocompleteArray = theDiv.find('.autocomplete');
var acClone = autocompleteArray.clone();
根据 SunnySydeUp 的评论,我做了以下修改:
// Clone the div and all its contents
var acClone = autocompleteArray.clone(true, true);
// Get the children of the div
var acCloneChildrenArray = acClone.children();
// iterate through the children array, modify ids where they exist to make them unique
// e.g., unique id contained in idSuffix.
for (var i = 0; i < acCloneChildrenArray.length; i++) {
// if it has an id, make it unique
if (acCloneChildrenArray[i].getAttribute('id')) {
var ident = acCloneChildrenArray[i].getAttribute('id')
acCloneChildrenArray[i].setAttribute('id', ident+'_'+idSuffix);
最终工作代码(根据 SunnySydeUp 的解决方案,有一个小错误——下拉按钮重复,但自动完成和下拉功能有效)。
// Clone the div
// We leave clone deepcopy flags at default==false
var acClone = autocompleteArray.clone();
// Get the children of the div
// You don't need to set unique id's on the children, it's irrelevant.
// Bind the new selectable fields to the event handlers.