这个插件(https://github.com/markgoodyear/scrollup)有一个 kill 方法......
$(function() {
$('.ps-toolbar-close').click(function() {
scrollName: 'scrollUp', // Element ID
scrollDistance: 300, // Distance from top/bottom before showing element (px)
scrollFrom: 'top', // 'top' or 'bottom'
scrollSpeed: 3000, // Speed back to top (ms)
easingType: 'linear', // Scroll to top easing (see http://easings.net/)
animation: 'fade', // Fade, slide, none
animationInSpeed: 200, // Animation in speed (ms)
animationOutSpeed: 200, // Animation out speed (ms)
scrollText: 'Scroll to top', // Text for element, can contain HTML
scrollTitle: false, // Set a custom <a> title if required. Defaults to scrollText
scrollImg: true, // Set true to use image
activeOverlay: true, // Set CSS color to display scrollUp active point, e.g '#00FFFF'
zIndex: 2147483647 // Z-Index for the overlay